Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 25, No. 16                                                                                                            July 18, 1976


Dear Ones: 

The great energies from the mighty "I AM" Presence of every lifestream are as accessible as is the water in the faucet, which by a certain motion of the wrist is turned on to serve its purpose, and which gives the fullness of itself according to the nature and requirement of the moment.

From the 'Heart of the Great Presence of Life streams that electronic beam of Light Essence into the human form which animates the body, supplies the intelligence in the brain by which all outer activity is maintained... and which provides sufficient life in the various organisms for the soul to secure certain life experiences required in the world of form. 

But... the great abundant energies of the God-Self may be drawn on without limit by anyone aware of the Presence... in their silence, in sanctuary or home, in contemplative periods by turning the attention wholeheartedly to that Divine and Celestial Presence...who can open the flood gates of that Light which will flow in and around the body in a steady stream of electronic force... and bathe not only the physical form but the Inner Bodies in a radiant bath of energizing, healing, life-giving force, which is far more potent and lasting than any temporary stimulant of the third dimensional plane. 

It is the wonder of the Host of Heaven that earnest and sincere chelas utilize so little of the electronic substance which is an actual stream of pure Life and Light, which can be released at will, just as if you threw open the doors into a brilliantly lighted room and stood in the streaming light that would pass from the room through the silhouetted figure on the threshold. 

To visualize your physical form in the open doorway of this great and mighty Palace of Light, and to visualize your Presence much, much larger than your present physical vehicle, and just see the color radiance around that Presence weave those streams of force into your experience and affairs, is to treat your outer consciousness in a manner that will bring peace, ease, freedom, balance and supply.

Love and Blessings,








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