Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

 Volume 24, No. 37                                                                                                                December 14, 1975


Beloved Ones: 

The gratitude of Mother Earth is expressed in the following excerpt from her address at the Thanksgiving Class, on November 27th, 1975... 

Beloved Virgo speaks:

Greetings, beloved ones traversing the sweet Earth, releasing the Light of the Omnipotent First Cause, to restore this Planet to her glorious Perfection. 

Now, my dear chelas, please be assured that I am deeply grateful to each of you for the improvement in your consciousness thus far this year - the stepped up radiation of your vehicles is most commendable. You are among those who are refining the garment which I must wear, according to the Law which governs the Plan of creation. 

Beloved Immaculata is heartened by the harmonious radiation of the chelas and the Silent Watchers of the various locations are indeed pleased. More Light is being sustained and the Earth is emerging from the shroud I was formerly forced to wear. 

Although there are many conditions in all parts of the Planet which are less than Perfection, they are coming to the foreground to be transmuted by the Sacred Fire. It is through the chelas and other constructive lifestreams on Earth who are, as it were, crusading in the Name of the Great Exemplar, the Master Jesus, and many other Divine Beings, who will bring about the redemption of this Earth... for you realize that Cosmic Law requires a balance from unascended beings. How truly heartening it is to see the awakening taking place in the hearts of millions of lifestreams! 

Does this not show you the acceptance of mankind of the tremendous love and radiation released by the Sponsors of the. Year, with the cooperation of the chelas and others have truly accepted and felt the release of the Pattern which was set for this year? 

The evolutions of the Earth are emerging from the elementary grades and are now able to accept the more profound Truth, which has always been present, but through concepts built into the consciousness was not recognized! The Grace of the Holy Spirit… the pressure of Truth of the mighty Pallas Athena, is being felt, if even in a limited manner, and in so doing they are more able and ready to accept the Christ expressed in the Triumvirate of the glorious Sponsors of the Year. 

This is a year of great harvest and one which the chelas can lovingly and humbly present to the Lord of the World, Gautama." 

As we have said so many times “Keep on, keeping on.” 

Love and Blessings,







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