A Message from the Holy Spirit




THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM, INC.                                                                                                         June 6, 1971


Friendship with the Gods


Dearly beloved chelas: 

Some day from the Heart of the Creative Fire, you will learn the true inner meaning of the word "Friendship"! It is a Cosmic Expression of Divine Love in its truest sense, and the devoted allegiance and sincere love of every Perfected Being, one for another, is the tangible reality of the covenant of Spiritual Union which man has, vainly for the most part, attempted to expresses Friendship. 

Through the years I have endeavored to weave the tie that binds between your hearts and mine, through devoted Love and sincere guidance toward the true Path. Surely you know that all my Love, all my talents are yours to use. This is one part of the agreement of friendship, like a drawbridge thrown forth from a loving heart and now, from your hearts comes the other half of the bridge to make the span complete and useable for yourselves or others. 

“I AM” your friend and the friendship of a Cosmic or Ascended Being remains throughout eternity. I now come to ask that from your eager hearts you consciously weave the substance which makes you my friends as well... Tolerance, Love, Understanding, Peace and Tranquility, Purity, Poise and Charity... devoted Charity toward all… into your beings. These are the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and he who is my friend opens his heart' to the outpouring of these graces to all. 

Open your hearts to my devoted Love and Selflessness. Contemplate the Grace and the silent benediction of the Holy Spirit that flows so constantly through all that is. In all your living, emulate the pure and silent White Dove which is the expression of the activity of the Holy Spirit. Thus, each day, the bridge of Friendship becomes stronger, you pouring forth more of yourself - beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, and I, who are only bound by your offer to all life, releasing more of ourselves, in proportion to your endeavors. 

Beloved friends, the warm Love of my Heart enfolds you always and may you know what the friendship of Heaven's sons and daughters can do for you, and through you, for all our lesser children on Earth lesser only in the sense that less of our Presence is yet manifest through them.

In the Spirit of Grace,"I AM" Æolus

Cosmic Holy Spirit