Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 14                                                                                                                July 4, 1971


Beloved of My Heart: 

Let us send our Love to the members of the Great Karmic Board, those mighty Beings of Light who serve in Cosmic Mercy to bring the children of Earth to the realization of their reason for being. 

It is an awe-inspiring sight to see these magnificent Beings reviewing the various Petitions which are presented to them by other members of the Spiritual Hierarchy and by the chelas who pledge their energies to a certain cause. 

We have said many times that the members of the Karmic Board are dispassionate, reviewing only the merit of a Petition and the energy which will be required to fulfill that purpose. However, those of us who have the privilege of counseling with them can state that we notice the happy and pleasurable radiation which emanates from them while they are considering a certain plea. It is as though they were thinking "It is wonderful to see the development of that chela, or chelas, over the recent years." 

I bring this to your attention in order that you will remember to return some of the Love which they so lavishly shower upon you and all the children of Earth, for they deal with the Planet in its entirety, and this is no small project. 

Always bear in mind that as you send your Love to another part of Life, more of that Holy Essence is released to you, for further expansion of that Virtue.

Love and Blessing,








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