Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 44                                                                                           January 31, 1971


Beloved Ones: 

Every lifestream is constantly radiating or sending forth streams of energy, which set into motion the electrons which are the Body of God. These electrons are very beautiful they are intelligent, and there is no nook or cranny in the Universe where they are not. All life lives, moves and has its being in the sea of Universal Light. 

When one sees imperfection of any kind, he should realize that the shadows of limitation, disease and distress are but beautiful electrons obeying the thought and feeling processes of man, and trying to outpicture accurately that which mankind consciously, or unconsciously, has held before them as a pattern. 

Each lifestream is a contributing factor to the perfection or distress of his fellowman. It is wise for the chela to daily review the manner in which he has sent forth the free-flowing energy of the Godhead... to ascertain whether he has sent forth a Blessing to life, or added to the shadows. 

A real Blessing is a tremendous rushing forward of the pure Life of God that envelops the person or object blessed and frees it from discord. May I suggest that you practice the art (so-called) of blessing inanimate objects? Bless and bless the conditions that seem to distress you and you will find that your Blessing going forth will bring a Blessing to you on the return current. 

The God-Life within you carries the authority from the Godhead to bless. When you still your human or outer self, from your intellectual consciousness, and ask the Father of all Good to bless life through you, you remove the feeling of the incapacity of the outer self to bless and then the great rushing forth of blessing from the Father within does the work. 

Blessing is a tangible force; blessing is the Power of God amplified by the good will of the lifestream who offers himself as a facet through which that Blessing may flow, and a constant attitude of "God Bless all Life" is an Open Door to Peace and to Harmony. 

Love and Blessings,