Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 42                                                                                                 January 17, 1971


Beloved Chelas: 

You are indeed blessed by having a summary of the Transmission of the Flame given by the great God of the Swiss Alps: 

Beloved ones permit me to introduce myself, I am he who is known as the God of the Swiss Alps, and due to the tremendous activity which is taking place at the Temple of the mighty Hercules, and he has requested that I speak with you this evening. 

You perhaps know that I have my Focus of Light in the Southern part of Switzerland, at Monte Rosa on the Italian border. The amphitheater which has been built to accommodate the seekers after Light extends from the Heart of the Retreat over Zurich and encompasses all of Switzerland. Extending from beloved Hercules Retreat to Monte Rosa this amphitheater looks like a glorious Rainbow Bridge - with the Blue Light of Protection and Power blazing therefrom to the periphery of all of Switzerland. 

As you know, the Retreat at Zurich is the "Power Station" of God's Will for all the Rays - they are all charged at beloved Hercules' Focus with the energizing Power of God's Holy Will. You understand that the chelas are not allowed to enter the Heart Center of this Focus because of the intensity of its Power. Some do come to the outer chambers of the Retreat, however, and on this Transmission evening all of the chelas are in the amphitheater. The great Hercules, in consultation with the beloved Hilarion arranged to have a gigantic screen set up in the amphitheater which would record the activity taking place within the Retreat. 

This evening there is a mighty assembly at this Retreat, including the beloved Maha Chohan, all the Chohans, the Sponsors of the Year, the enfolding Spirit of the Year, beloved Surya, and many Cosmic Beings with whom your present consciousness is not acquainted. Why? 

For the reason that the Edict has been sent forth by the mighty Alpha and Omega that God's Will shall more quickly express on this Planet. I shall now describe some of the activity which took place at the time of the Transmission of the Breath.  

Beloved Hercules had requested the assembled, guests to wear white garments, as did he and beloved Amazon; - all being given the freedom to wear whatever blue-jeweled adornment they desired. 

As the chelas are always interested in - knowing some of the details and truly it does assist them to further accept the reality of these activities, I feel privileged to tell you a little of the Cosmic spectacle which took place - the mighty Hercules and Amazon standing before the Flame prior to breathing upon It, were attired in garments of a white crystalline substance with jeweled girdles of Blue. Facing the Flame were the other six Elohim in a semi-circle. Behind them in similar position were the Seven Archangels, and in still another semi-circle were the Chohans of the Rays. 

As beloved Hercules and Amazon breathed upon the Flame and used the Rhythmic Breath to take it into their own Beings, their vehicles looked like flashing intense blue Light, and on the Outbreath all in the triple semi-circle drew it into their own Beings: the color of their garments became a blazing activity of the Ray to which each belonged, with an aura of Blue Flame. As all assembled guests energized this Flame, it rose into the amphitheater where all the chelas and others assembled could see this magnificent activity of Light on the screen provided for this purpose. Then as it went its way around the Earth, upon observation those with their inner sight opened could see that the center of the Blue Flame was made up of all the colors of the Rays. It was like a. glorious rainbow traveling all over the Planet, energizing the Ray of all who serve with the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

When you take the time to digest this activity, you will see that every Ray is being accelerated through the Will of God. You can expect to see much activity in governmental circles for the beloved El Morya who was previously aware of this stepped-up Radiation had already made plans for certain expanded service in diplomatic circles. 

All the chelas had been appraised to center their attention upon the Flame as it rose into the amphitheater and some, I add, were barely able to hold their composure because of the magnificence of this powerful activity. You can see the wisdom of the Hierarchy in not permitting the chelas in the Retreat at this time. 

This screen has recorded the Transmission activity and at intervals all through the twenty-four hour period following the Transmission of the Breath, it will be activated so that all the chelas and others assembled here will have the privilege of seeing what took place. It was truly an awe-inspiring sight and I fissure you the depth and power of this Transmission will have to be meditated upon before one can truly grasp its scope. 

Well, beloved ones, I am grateful to have had the privilege of speaking to you, and I shall be most happy to have you come to Monte Rosa to my Focus during this 30 day period when you visit beloved Hercules. All that is necessary is that you request your Sponsor from Hercules' Retreat to bring you here for a short time and I shall be most happy to give you my further Blessing in the tangibility of my Focus. Incidentally, there are both gentlemen and lady sponsors this month. 

Anticipating the happiness of becoming further acquainted with you, 

"I AM” the God of the Swiss Alps 

Beloved ones, a great privilege has been yours, accept its Blessings. 

Love and Blessings,







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