Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 32                                                                                                November 8, 1970

Blessed Chelas: 

As we approach the Spiritual Event when the Hierarchy assembles at Holy Shamballa and the chelas are privileged to participate in some of the festivities, I believe you will be interested in a few pertinent facts concerning this Assembly. 

The attention of the GOOD of the world focused at this time toward the Central Focus adds a great momentum of energy to the efforts of the Brotherhood and carries a tremendous measure of weight with the Lords of Karma in the detailing of powers, activities, gifts and dispensations for the greater good of mankind at this time. 

It was not so long ago that the meetings and the service of the Spiritual Hierarchy were isolated from any contact with the consciousness of unascended beings and the Plans once promulgated were then sent forth for execution. As you know all such Plans must pass the Board of Karma and the very fact that mankind was not an active and cooperative part of the formation and manifestation thereof limited the results, the release of the acquiescence and backing of the Karmic Board. 

I bring this to your attention at this time when the Flame of Gratitude and Adoration to the Supreme Source flows in intensified activity, to help you realize more fully the privilege which is yours - and your obligation as a result of conscious communication with the Hierarchy - to participate to your greatest potential in assisting the Cosmic and Ascended Beings in the redemptive process of this Planet and its evolutions. 

Without a moment's hesitation, I can assure you your record this year is a most commendable one, each beloved one, but I do wish to prepare you further for the Blessings which shall proceed from the Meetings of the Hierarchy at Shamballa during this Holy Season.

 Love and Blessings,







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