Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 47                                                                                                February 22, 1970


My Beloved Chelas: 

As I turn my attention to you in the desire to release the most pertinent instruction which will be of assistance at a given time, I notice that the bodies of many of you are depleted at the close of the day. 

Blessed ones, labor, in the sense of physical depletion, is not in accord with the Plan of the Father-Mother God for their Children. The present labor under which mankind ekes out their existence is but a disintegration of the elements of the physical body, as well as the resilient vitality of the fire of the soul. 

Until what is called the "curse" of labor has been removed from mankind, true spiritual unfoldment of a lasting nature cannot be manifested. Service to life which was the Divine intent behind creation and the sustenance of the individual lifestream who chose to incarnate in the physical appearance world was meant to be a joyous opportunity to draw, mold and expand the God Life for the enrichment of the universe through manifold designs voluntarily drawn forth and sustained by the evolving race. 

It is the desire of the Spiritual Hierarchy, our design and purpose to release those aspiring to spiritual unfoldment and union from the curse of labor which is a self-imposed karma which all mankind took upon themselves when they claimed the outer self to be the "Doer" instead of the Christ dwelling within them. 

The Inner Man knows no labor. All unfoldment is in accord with the Divine Design, but when the intellectual consciousness claimed to be the doer, the effect that ensued from this unnatural activity of the human self-created labor as it is known today. 

When the chelas come again to the point of allowing the great God Flame full freedom to act according to the Design of God within, labor will be superseded by Service, and man will rise to his natural estate of a Light Being, free from the burden of labor. 

Since we are constantly counseling the chelas to become the Christ - the Immaculate Concept for each lifestream, I truly hope that the foregoing will be of assistance to you in attaining that unfoldment by "letting go, and letting God" be the Doer.

Love and Blessings,