Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 6                                                                                                     May 12, 1968


Beloved Chelas: 

There is a Truth which I love to affirm, and that is: "I AM" my brother's keeper! Through the avenue of THE BULLETIN, I have the privilege of putting this statement into practice. 

Few individuals recognize the real meaning of being their brother's keeper. This does not in any way infer interference in another's affairs, but the fact that we are all brothers in God's Heart places upon us the responsibility of assisting one another in spiritual unfoldment. 

To do this when any help is required, anyplace upon the Earth, all one has to do is to enter the Flaming Presence of Divinity within the heart. In that "I AM" is all life, and by calling to that Presence in another's being, tremendous help can be given. In this way, the individual making the call does not have to combat human resistance which otherwise might have to be met were the human to be addressed. 

You, dear ones, have advanced upon the Path to where you are willing and eager to accept advice from the Spiritual Hierarchy, and to the best of your ability act upon the suggestions given. Thus, every week, through these Releases, "I AM" given the opportunity of assisting you and the evolutions of this earth. 

In this regard, I admonish you to further add to your momentum of Good in the calls which you have been making for World Peace, for the more Peace there is in another's being, the greater shall that Virtue expand within your own world.


Love and Blessings,







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