Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 12                                                                                  June 23, 1968


Beloved Chelas: 

I appeal to you today on behalf of the youth of this Planet. It is expedient that youth leaders be raised up to direct their free-flowing God Energy into the proper channels of expression. In various parts of the globe where Sumer vacation is beginning, many who will not be gainfully occupied will require special assistance. Those who find themselves with 'idle' moments can easily be prey to sinister suggestions which will come to their attention in various guises, and what appears on the surface to be harmless pleasure or occupation, may be the distracting influence to lead them into activities of a negative and sinister nature. 

It would be well for all chelas to make a call daily (it takes just a moment) for the protection and purification of the youth and all meeting places where the younger generation congregate. You will find suitable decrees in the new VIOLET FLAME Booklet for this purpose. It would be advisable to also invoke the mighty Activity of the Year that of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame and the Flame of God Illumination under the direction of the mighty Astraea, Lord Michael, and Beloved Kenich Ahan. 

You are all sufficiently matured spiritually to realize the importance of giving assistance to the youth of today, for it is upon these lifestreams that the world of tomorrow depends to a large degree. The youth of today are dissatisfied with the present mode of living, finding in the majority of instances, little of constructive example to guide them. Example is of major importance. One does not necessarily have to be young in years to attract the youth, but it is the young in heart, expressing and giving forth ideas and ideals which can attract others into positive channels of expression. 

Many spiritually illumined lifestreams are walking the Earth today, and it will just take some dedicated individuals to spur them on to attract others in their own age bracket to join their energies in readjusting the chaos which is expressing through many of the younger generation. Youth is asking for the answers to their whys and wherefores! Call that some leader will walk among them and lead them on to the constructive Path. I do not state specifically one who has been trained along religious lines, but some individual or individuals who, themselves, are channels for the Flame of God Illumination through their desire to be expressions of constructive living. It has been said, and truly, that one cannot push religion down anyone's throat. When one has understanding, he or she knows that religion is a Way of Life and that God is ever-present! 

I counsel you to go into action through your Decrees and constructive living to assist the younger generation in this most crucial hour in the Earth's evolution. Thank you.

Love and Blessings of





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