Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 21                                                                                              August 25, 1968


My Beloved Chelas: 

You are all familiar with the adage: "Honesty is the best policy." 

In all kindness I ask you to examine your consciousness and discern whether or not you are honest with yourself, or do you prefer to go ad libitum? It is the purpose and dedicated desire of the Spiritual Hierarchy to assist our chelas in every way - as you well know. However, at this hour in the Earth's evolution, with chaotic conditions manifesting all over the Planet, a goodly number of the chelas are suffering the pangs of inharmony resulting from cataclysmic action in their own beings and worlds. 

It is for the above-stated reason that I admonish you to be honest with yourself, and while we do not wish to have you dwell upon any unrest in your worlds, if you will do this, you will find that there is a reason, hidden or revealed, why you are disturbed at any time. 

You have been counseled again and again to hold the Divine Concept for yourselves and for all mankind, yet the causes and cores of imperfection which you still entertain in your etheric garments prevent this attainment of reverence for and the perfection of all life! 

If you are honest with yourself, you will realize that something less than Perfection causes you to tie into inharmony - be it of a personal nature, national, or planetary in scope. When you will accept in your feelings the transmuting and purifying activity of the Sacred Fire which has been generously explained to you, you will KNOW that it is your lack of faith in its efficacy which blocks the attainment of the Perfection which you should express; and when you truly believe in the oneness of all life, you will know that you are the culprit against the Spiritual Law, for you have been apprised that you would be required to transmute much of the destructive karma of the race by reason of the fact that you have been given the knowledge of the Sacred Fire and its application. 

You have been given the above in great Love, and I truly hope that you will, learn the Lesson contained therein. 

Love and Blessings,