Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 19                                                                             August 11, 1968


Beloved Ones: 

Continuing with the excerpts from the Addresses of the Great Ones at the Summer Conference on Long Island:

Beloved Portia

 (July 13, 1968): 

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, who have had the singular privilege of being graced by the presence of the Members of the Karmic Board all during this week. As Spokesman for that Council, I come to you to bring some very pertinent facts for your God-action thereon! 

Do you realize that, instead of casting off your physical garment at the change called death and coming before the Karmic Board for appraisal or the viewing of your record of the use of God's Energy in this embodiment, you have been and are in the Halls of Judgment, so to speak, all this week? You know that it is the usual procedure after appearance before the Karmic Board that you receive an assignment to help you balance any shortage of constructive use of God's Energy so that you will not have to re-embody upon the Earth again unless, of course, you make application so to do, and the Board, feeling that you have the capacity to render exceptional service to the Earth, grants your petition. 

Now remember that this has been judgment week for you RIGHT HERE on Earth, and at the conclusion of this Assembly, we shall confer with the Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, to decide upon those whom we feel can be entrusted with expanded God Powers in a scope to which your consciousness has not yet aspired or been capable of recognizing. 

Please relax now as I have something of very great importance to tell you! The Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy for our Lord and King, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, is of such magnitude that your consciousness, in its present development, could not envision, and it is that Love which has brought the Karmic Board to this Conference. 

You do not need me to tell you of the state in which this Planet finds herself at the present time; of all the chaotic conditions which are expressing and the shroud which is endeavoring to engulf her. And I say, in the name and by the power of the Father-Mother God, we have confidence in the chelas upon this Earth to assiduously decree and expand their Light and prove to all the sons and daughters of Heaven that this Planet shall be saved from the destructive forces which have been gathering a momentum. I use the past tense, 'have been', for from this day forward, I, Portia, Spokesman for the Karmic Board, and in the Authority vested in me, say: 'The children of Heaven on Earth are marching forward in the Light and shall hold aloft the banner of my Beloved Saint Germain! 

Not long ago, I returned from a Cosmic meeting to the private and holy orbit that my beloved and I occupy when we confer with one another on cosmic matters. I saw my beloved in a kneeling position, with a Globe representative of the Earth cradled to his bosom. He was blazing and blazing and blazing the Violet Transmuting Flame into that globe and his own Being was barely discernible as the Light flowing from his Being enfolded the Earth in his Loving Heart. He was entreating the Supreme Source of All Life to save this Planet, and saying with such deep Love: 'I believe in my chelas on Earth. I know that they will not fail me in this hour!' 

With a rush of Love that coursed through my Being, I knelt beside him and promised the Supreme Source that we, the Karmic Board, would come and speak directly to the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom and re-kindle their enthusiasm to further assist our Lord and King. 

Expecting and anticipating your immediate response and co-operation, no further words are necessary!"

Love and Blessings,







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