Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 17, No. 1                                                                                                             April 7, 1968


Beloved Chelas: 

As one looks with such hope and anticipation at the early morning Sun, if his thoughts are turned Godward, he knows that there is great promise for a radiation of expectancy in the hours ahead. 

It is with such a feeling that I come into your midst, for I see the Sun of your being blazing forth - no longer encased in the thick shell of human consciousness. The Petals of the Lotus are opening - giving room for the expansion of the Jewel within - the glorious Christ Presence being permitted to express its Beauty and Perfection through you. 

Perhaps you will further understand why we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have continually admonished you to use the Sacred Fire of Transmutation and Purification so that this expansion of the Light could manifest through you. Having experienced this advanced state of being at more frequent intervals, we further counsel you to protect your consciousness from the intrusion of imperfection which ever seeks to dim the Light of the beloved ones of this Earth whose very life is dedicated and devoted to the restoration of the Perfection which formerly manifested hereon. 

Continue always to call forth Protection for yourself, and in this way will you truly expand not only your own Light, but the Light upon this Planet. The Flame of God Illumination is finding further acceptance in your consciousness, and as you continue to use the holy activities of the Sacred Fire, for yourself and all life, will the Sun of your being shed its Light as a blessing and benefaction to all life upon the Planet. 

My Love, Peace and Encouragement will always be a mantle about you as you travel the forward Path unto Victorious Accomplishment in the Light.

Love and Blessings,









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