Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 16                                                                                                  July 16, 1967


Beloved of the Light: 

Let us turn our attention to the Kingdom of Nature! 

Manifest everywhere is the service which the little elementals obediently render, in fulfilling of the pattern which is presented to them by their Instructors, be it the season in your particular section of the Planet where the luxuriant growth of plant, bulb, or seed expresses for your joy of beholding its beauty, thus enriching your consciousness and enfolding you in the perfume of its expression, or from the very practical, and necessary growth of plant and fruit which provides the nourishment for your vehicles, in the nature of food. In other sections of the Globe they are preparing for a respite, and after a short period of relaxation, will be given further instruction in the expansion of Perfection or, in many cases, shown how to correct the imperfection which crept into their presentation. 

Give your gratitude daily to the Elementals and the Elements which give us the sunshine, air, water and earth substance. Your individual sustenance depends tremendously on their service. 

And, of course, taking a Lesson from them, where you see you have missed an opportunity for expressing the God Virtues which you have amassed hold your heads and hearts high and determine within yourselves, to emulate the little Elementals, and do better next time.

Love and Blessings,








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