Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 3                                                                                             April 16, 1967


Children of the Light:


You are aware of the statement "there is nothing hidden that is not revealed". In God's great Consciousness, all Life is an open book, and when I turn my attention to my so loved chelas I see what is acting in their beings and worlds, be it Happiness, Expectancy or any of the God Gifts, or on the negative side, fear and its insidious companions.


Then, as I have explained to you, I endeavor to give the Instruction which will be of the most benefit at the time. The composite of your thoughts and feelings this week prompt me to admonish you to remember the Affirmation which many of you made in previous years, and to further advise you that the following should be remembered, and put into practice.


Beloved "I AM" PRESENCE, I humbly bow before thee, and in my sincere endeavors to be the Christ in action at all times: 

Hold my Flame steady

Make and keep me ready

Put and keep me always in my perfect place.


My Presence, I adore thee

Always go before me

And blaze through me to all

Thy perfect Balance, Peace and Love 

You see, blessed ones, you can read and read, and make statements over and over, but until you feel and know what you are doing, you do not understand the Spiritual Law and the application thereof. Stay in 'the green pasture' which has been provided you and reap the benefits of Spiritual Illumination and do not wander into the other fellow's field to see how the grass is growing there and in so doing, dissipate the Blessings which are given to you so freely, in Divine Love and Grace.

Love and Blessings,









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