Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 15, No. 12                                                                                                    June 19, 1966


Friends of my Heart: 

All men must become aware of their responsibilities toward every other lifestream, and this is a fact which must be put into practice by the chelas under our jurisdiction. 

All chelas should realize that there is a Divine Identity dwelling within the heart of his fellow-traveler, and must CEASE to recognize the transitory negative expressions which issue from the human consciousness. It is high time that the chelas give credence only to Perfection, and it is unthinkable that anyone under the privileged Radiation of the Heavenly Host should permit himself or herself to indulge in criticism. You have been apprised through the years that criticism is akin to hate, and surely no chela would indulge in that activity. 

If you will think for a moment about negative indulgence, you will realize that you are mirroring your OWN consciousness for your fellowman to see, revealing that you have not yet freed yourself from the subtle 'enjoyment' of your lower self. 

We do not come to censure you, but in loving allegiance to the Supreme Source of All, to send forth the Love of our Hearts to embrace you and assist you in the attainment of Perfection which your blessed hearts so truly desire, and SHALL acquire in the not too distant future. 

Every lifestream upon this Planet is an instrument of Perfection, and as the chelas attain that state of love and harmony, they assist their fellowman on his forward journey, for it is decreed that All shall return to the Heart of the Creator, and blessed is he who can attain that state of being, while yet wearing garments of flesh.

Love and Blessings,










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