Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 15, No. 14                                                                                                     July 3, 1966


My Beloved Chelas: 

Has it ever occurred to you that the chelas who consciously serve with the Spiritual Hierarchy are volunteers from among the peoples abiding upon the Earth? We do not have the prerogative of contacting lifestreams and asking them to serve with us, on the sometimes thankless task so far as the outer recognition is concerned. We must wait until the development of their consciousness has reached the point where the inner desire prompts them to offer their services. 

The Ascended Master who is in charge of a lifestream or group of individuals must carefully examine the potential of the individual and determine whether he can stand up under the many strains, or trials and tribulations, which will present themselves upon his path to further test him as he expands his Light through this voluntary service. 

The individual must develop great poise and emotional stability preparatory to greater responsibility, for once he has been accepted as a chela he just continually prepare himself for more and more expanded service. And it is imperative that the hidden weaknesses, of which he is sometimes unaware, having travelled upon the Earth for eons of time, present themselves for transmutation, he must be ready and willing to use the application which he’s been given. 

So when we sometimes prod you on in your use of the Sacred Fire, it is to assist you in your further development. You have been tested and tested, and you might think without reason, but I assure you that having advanced thus far on the Path, you could not cognize our gratitude for your assistance in freeing the Earth and her evolutions from the shackles which have bound them round for ages. 

Continue in your splendid Service to the Light and Life, and know that we of the Spiritual Hierarchy are ever mindful of your actions and are grateful for your voluntary service.

Love and Blessing,








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