Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 52                                                                                                       March 28, 1965


Beloved Chelas: 

Every lifestream belonging to the Planet Earth has the same Life Force flowing through it, and is the recipient of the multiple Blessings of the Father-Mother God. 

It is the qualification of the Life Essence which flows through the individual which changes the vibratory action and makes each one a radiating center for the different Gifts of the One Supreme Source, according to the Ray or Rays to which he has an affinity. This is all on the positive side of the ledger. 

But... man through his free will choice in his experiments with Energy has chosen through the ages to misqualify that Sacred Life Force with imperfection, stamping the Energy flowing through him with negation. If you do not permit the Energy to outpour into the Universe as God intended, you are imprinting it with a negative or imperfect pattern. Anyone who does not constructively qualify the God Energy is rejecting the Gifts of the One Supreme Source and adding to the mass effluvia of the Planet. 

You cannot put a reel of film which you took on a trip to say Hawaii in your home movie camera and expect to see outpictured an excursion which you made to some other place. That reel of film has recorded the events upon which you focused the camera during that specific time. It is the same with the Essence which is constantly flowing through you, you imprint upon it that which you are thinking and feeling at a given moment, and this is recorded on your inner vehicles. 

However, through the merciful action of the Spiritual Law you can transmute previous mis-qualifications from being recorded over and over in your lower vehicles and become a conductor for the Gifts of the Father-Mother God and fulfill that part of the Divine Plan which is to be your Gift to the Universe. 

I counsel you to now qualify the Sacred Essence of Life with Perfection at all times and add to the storehouse of your glorious Causal Body, by building daily, hourly, a momentum of the Virtues of the Godhead.

Love and Blessings of





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