Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 47                                                                                              February 21, 1965


Beloved of the Light: 

I come to you, today to assist the Nations and Peoples this Earth by devoting some of your blessed energy to the Cause of World Peace! 

You have heard many times the affirmation calling for Peace, ending with the statement "and let it begin with me". Verily there is a great Truth in that, for each individual must himself desire to be a Peace Commanding Presence before he can expect this brother to be the outpicturing of that Quality. 

When one sets his own house in order, that so required state of existence can more easily be released for the benefit of his fellowman. A teacher in a school room does not give his pupils an example, setting forth the principles which are true, and then himself choose to disregard them. Again, one should ‘practice what he preaches’. 

"I AM" most happy to say that my chelas are rapidly becoming Peace Commanding Presences, and that is why I feel with a certainty that if you all join in a concerted action of calling for World Peace that much can be done through the action of the Spiritual Law. 

Call to that beloved glorious "I AM" which is your Peace Commanding Presence at all times, and ask it to blaze through you the Sacred Essence of Peace wherever you go, and you will experience the Beauty of Spirit, through your lower vehicles, who in turn will desire to be the outpicturing of this Virtue. 

Try this out... not only for yourself... but because of the imperative requirement of the hour for Peace for ALL PEOPLES AND ALL NATIONS.

Love and Blessings,


Paul - the Venetian




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