Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 11, No. 4                                                                                                    April 22, 1962


My Beloved Wayfarers:  

You have heard and read of the Cosmic Source of All Life, and have contemplated that Source as your "I AM" Presence. You have felt that Source surging through you as the Breath of Life. 

The Holy Spirit of God is the Animating Principle of Life, and as Representative of that Holy Spirit to the Earth, I stand as the Cosmic Dispenser of every atom of Electronic Energy which fills this Universe in Cosmic Rhythmic Waves. There can be no interference with this Rhythmic Pulsation, for all that lives depends upon the careful and steady release of this Life Energy through my own Body. 

Man cannot comprehend the tons of Cosmic Energy which are released into this Universe hourly, and freely dispensed through the lifestreams of mankind. THIS ENERGY IS THE LIFE OF GOD! It is my joy and responsibility to draw that Life and send it forth in rhythmic pulsations through mankind, the nature kingdoms and the Planet itself. 

My concern is to teach man the proper use of this Life - in thought, word, and deed - that he may unfold according to his Divine Plan. As he must render an accounting for his use of Life, so am I responsible to the Father for all of the Energy that is used on this Planet, and I must return it one day in the same Purity with which the Father gave it to me. 

You can realize, therefore, how eager and desirous I AM to have those chelas in physical embodiment become conscious co-workers with me in the Cosmic "Powerhouse" of the Universe, my service is manifold and unlimited, and my gifts without number and without price. I can offer without limit the Substance and Energy of Supply for those who will be constant, ceaseless, peaceful radiant physical expressions of my Life and Love. 

By your every loving thought and kindly word or deed as you attend to your mundane affairs, you render my service amongst men. When you speak "In the Name of the Holy Spirit which is within my heart" the Life-Energy of the Father rushes forth to fulfill the God Command which you are issuing for the benefaction of the race, or any part of life! 

I AM cognizant of your every service and I bless you with God's Holy Breath.

Love and Blessings,








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