Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings

Volume 10, No. 32                                                                                                                            November 5, 1961


Beloved Chelas: 

The training of one's consciousness becomes an essential part of the endeavor of the aspirant. The constant training of the self to recognize all manifestation as external cause, vacillating and fluctuating, will disassociate the student from undue dependence upon external security. 

The purpose of my presenting these words to you week after week is to raise the lower consciousness, blend it with the Higher and then to finally merge that with the pure and perfect consciousness of the individualized God-Flame. The Holy Christ Self, as you know, recognizes no imperfection, hears and sees no evil and registers no discord. It is within the province of the human self to elevate the thought, feeling and thinking of the outer personality to a point where it is permeated with the more subtle consciousness of the Christ Consciousness. 

‘Where your thought is, there you are’ is true to a much greater extent than people realize. The life of a thought form is governed by the intensity of 'feeling' within it. A thought of sincere love sent to an individual usually takes the shape of a little winged sun, goes into the atmosphere, lingers around the individual, blesses that one, and then - just as you have seen a cloud disintegrate - it ceases to be. 

If thought-forms did not disintegrate, the lower atmosphere of Earth would have been solidified into an immovable mass long ago. The disintegrating process within nature is a blessing with regard to malignant creations, but those who desire to create beneficent manifestations are also subject to this law. 

When a Master precipitates he charges into his thought-form the decree that it remain untouched as he makes it for as long a period as he desires, whether it be for a day or for years, and the form obeys his mandate and exists according to his will. 

In endeavoring to use the concentrative powers of your being for precipitation protect your creation by an invocation to the Ascended Masters to enfold your intended precipitation in the wings of Love - ask them to feed it and protect it from disintegration until enough of your energy has gone into it to bring it into form. It is most important no to discuss your plans with others, because they, subject these inner delicate etheric cups to well-meaning but ofttimes destructive vibrations, which destroy them at inner levels before they are brought into manifestation. 

Even after physical manifestation occurs most of mankind’s manifestations come forth through agony of mind and body, and when not protected by fiats dissolution occurs shortly. This can be avoided by knowledge of the Law and its application.

Love and Blessings,








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