Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings



Volume 10, No. 7                                                                                                                                   May 14, 1961


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Know that a Spark of the FIRE OF CREATION, within which is all the potential Creative Ability of the Godhead "I AM", is ALIVE within you. The Cosmic Blessings of sustained, constructive creation can be invoked by any individual through conscious decrees, affirmations of a positive nature, and songs and fiats incorporating the Creative Word "I AM". This Cosmic Invocation results, naturally, in COSMIC ACTION IMMEDIATELY, for the blessing of all life in every sphere wherein such blessing is both required and desired. 

When an individual participates in the creation of an inspiring piece of literature, a painting which definitely raises the outer consciousness towards his God, a scientific invention to ease the distresses and limitations of the human race, or an architectural edifice to be used for a constructive purpose, he is wise indeed to place his hands within the hands of the Seven Elohim (in whom the full Cosmic Power of Creation is vested). Then, the resultant perfection and speed of manifestation of the precipitation seems marvelous indeed to the outer mind of the chela and others, enjoying the blessing, but not knowing the Law which the chela employs to produce that manifestation. 

To be taken into active partnership with the Cosmic Builders of all lasting Constructive Forms is to be united under Cosmic Law with the forward progress of Divinity. When God Beings and man join together in one service, through the free-will choice of an unascended being, the partnership becomes an activity which is no longer bound by so-called natural laws of the lower realms. Rather, the Precipitating Powers and resultant manifestations, created in the Fourth Dimension are projected into the Third Dimension almost instantly for the blessings of all life. 

The Seven Elohim, the Great Devas and Builders of Form who serve with them ARE REAL. They are endowed with the Life, Substance, Intelligence and Energy of the Universal "I AM" Presence, far beyond the ken of human comprehension! Devas protect entire localities, nations, continents, and oceanic bodies, when directed by their superiors to do so. When they are enlisted by the Seven Great Elohim of Creation to assist in the accomplishment of a specific God Service, they render service inconceivable; these activities explain the so-called mysteries of the building of colossal physical edifices in the past, such as the Pyramids, the Gardens of Babylon, etc. 

When the Seven Elohim and the Devas and Builders of Form unite and, with one accord, decide to manifest Perfection in the physical appearance world at the conscious call of even one illumined chela, they invoke the assistance of uncountable Legions of their own evolutions to assist them. The chela’s service is to consciously open the door of his own uplifted consciousness, as well as that of all mankind, to the acceptance of the REALITY of the Elohim, Devas and Builders of Form and the POWER of the ELOHIMIC BUILDERS to assist mankind to produce perfection here and now. The chela must learn to concentrate upon his thought picture, filling it with the love of his heart, and know that the Elohim will assist him to bring forth the manifestation (if it is for the impersonal benefaction of all life, as well as the greater freedom of the individual chela, from limitations, so that he can better serve the Light and the World Plan). 

Then he, and others, will be truly amazed at the speed of manifestation of his desired constructive creation, no matter what his age may be as measured by human calculation of time. 

Thus, to my children who, today, are dreaming about the Utopia, which they would desire to assist in manifesting, I say - GO INTO ACTION NOW and, with the assistance of the Seven Mighty Elohim, the Builders of Form, and the Devic Evolution, clothe your vision with Light Substance and by the very persistency and constancy of your endeavors, invoke, manifest, sustain and expand your manifestation in the physical appearance world. Such creations will be a permanent benefaction to the Earth and her attendant evolutions! 

Love and Blessings



Suggested Decree  

Beloved Presence of God, "I AM" in me, Great Elohim of Creation, Builders of Form and Devic Lords!

(COME         COME         COME) 

Create, manifest, sustain and expand without limit this (name it) manifestation through me today.

Beloved "I AM"         (3x)

I now Command!        (3x)

Right now today!       (3x)

For use God's Way.   (3x)


…and make me love it (3x) Beloved "I AM" (once)

I now command (once)

Right now, today (once)

For use God's way! (once) 

(also use after make me love it, make them love it, for whatever the manifestation is, gratitude upon the part of the beneficiaries thereof is essential to greater constructive manifestation - for this is the Law).

Love and Blessings,








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