Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


VOLUME 9, Number 40                                                                                                January 1, 1961


My dear Children:  I greet you in this Holy New Year Season, particularly. 

To disassociate an individual consciousness from the mass-consciousness of humanity requires a great pressure of sustained energy from the Ascended Master Octave. When the search for Truth is relaxed, for any reason, the very weight of the mass-mind again encroaches upon the awakening flower of spiritual consciousness, which reverts back to its previous state of semi-slumber. 

When we see the chelas making progress in the Mastery of their thought and feeling processes (which I rejoice to say the majority of the chelas are now doing) we suggest, and hope that they will call the Seraphic and Cherubic Host to sustain their awareness of the God-Consciousness "in which they live, move and have their being".

The individual outer consciousness is a living intelligence and is fed by the avenue of the senses, and therefore it is usually in a constant state of flux, depending upon the reports received by it from such channels. It is possible for the chela to consciously offer his consciousness to an Ascended Master of his choice. The Master, in turn, will guard, protect and sustain with the Light of the Causal Body of the chela and the Consciousness of the Ascended Host, the upraised consciousness and it will then, by the very nature of its Pure Being, repel thoughts, feelings, words and actions of a lower creation. 

To keep sustained the uplifted consciousness of the student is to open the door into the chela's life through which we step, through which we teach and through which our ideals come into manifestation. For this we are grateful to our beloved chelas. It is over the beam of the chela's attention of Harmony that the God-Consciousness and the Gifts of the Ascended Masters flew to bless the aspiring one. 

In the final cleansing of mankind, every ounce of energy, past and present, is stirred up. The Elohim of Purity, Claire and Astraea too, are of inestimable value in sweeping their Flames of Pure White Light through this energy. When this energy is cleansed it will be replaced by a sea of Harmony to serve the chela and insulate him against the mass-consciousness of disturbed mankind. 

Again we remind the chelas that they are our outposts in the world of form through which we serve to stabilize the Earth and its peoples especially now in its seemingly disturbed state. Today I personally bless you, each one, and I say to you that we "do not have to send Christmas and New Year cards", but we always send expressions of our Love that take their place in the aura of each beloved chela and live there during the Holy Season and form a magnet for all good to flow into the individual lives.

Love and Blessings,









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