Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 14                                                                                                           July 6, 1958


Dear Children Seeking after Truth: 

As has been said over and over - consciousness externalized becomes form. All materialization, all physical objects, all third dimensional matter, is but externalized consciousness of one kind or another, and its nature and form are dependent upon some cause set up within some focus of consciousness throughout the Universe. 

There is no externalized form that has ever come into being, or that has ever been sustained even for an instant of mortal time, that is not an effect of an invisible cause. You will see then that to widen one's consciousness and increase its capacities to entertain and create designs that will be pleasing and beneficial to Life should become the paramount issue of ones being. 

As the consciousness cannot soar beyond that which it is aware of within its waking state there must be some means provided by which the higher Life may be presented to the intellectual self for assimilation. 

The natural activity of levitation that is within the consciousness cannot be a useful part of the unfolding of the Spiritual Nature until the consciousness becomes aware of the Spheres and Realms to with it may aspire. For instance, a man must know there is a Rome before he can journey there, or even intelligently plan such a journey. 

You will therefore see, that when you take the consciousness of the human race individually or enmasse, although there is within that consciousness the capacity to rise into Spheres and Realms that the physical body itself will never know, the Hierarchy must find a way and means to give to the intellectual self an understanding of the reality and presence of these Spheres. Then the natural interest and desire within the self will raise the consciousness, spasmodically at first, unto such Spheres where great illumination, great peace and great expansion of the inner nature will take place. 

It is difficult to correlate within the mind consciousness the Oneness of Life, the indivisible Nature of the Godhead, with its all-encompassing Consciousness, which must be contemplated as individualized Focuses of his nature. Yet such a composite does truly exist. In the Great Universal Heart of God there live innumerable, intelligent Focuses, all representative of his nature, yet each such Focus is an Authority drawing on the Powers of the One, and each can and does expand the manifold expression of the Kingdom. 

This, dear ones, may seem a little involved, but in your contemplation studying the Oneness and Indivisibility of God, every such Ascended Focus, representative of his nature, is liable to lose form and distinctness in being merged with the One. Yet, when such vision is cleared, as the evolution of the perceiving nature raises the capacity to understand and know, within that Oneness can be found the Members of the brotherhood of whom you have studied and with whom you have learned the Law. 

Individuals experiencing a raising of consciousness, almost without exception, describe the first sensation as one of light and formlessness, yet when they have become accustomed to the brilliance of that High State, they are able to distinguish outlines of form representative of some very high and beautiful manifestation. Conversely I might use the homely illustration that almost everyone has experienced when he enters the darkened interior of a cinema, there exists for the individual as he steps from the outside light only an indistinct sea of darkness in which there are neither seats nor people. Then as he becomes accustomed to the new surroundings he finds great numbers of people and many inanimate objects around him. Therefore in your study and contemplation of Truth, when various phases of that Truth present themselves to your consciousness, know they are not in opposition to each other, but parts of a great whole that can fit together, and will, as more light is cast into the orbit of your being. 

The rigorous exclusion of the worship of the Saints by some orthodox denominations are a result of the consciousness of the leader, who, in his search for Truth, began to draw away from form and to universalize the Spirit. This is a step through which all must pass until form again appears, but only, dear ones, as the clothing of the One. 

My Love and Light shine upon your Path.

Love and Blessing,








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