Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 6, No. 43                                                                                             January 26, 1958

Beloved Children of My Heart: present to you in this Bulletin a portion of the address given by Beloved Mary, the Mother of Jesus, on Transmission Flame Class evening, January 18, 1958. The remainder of this address will come to you in your next Bulletin; I decree that Beloved Mary and Jesus' feeling and full gathered Cosmic momentum of the joyous use of the Resurrection Flame be yours NOW!

Love and Blessings,




Beloved and blessed friends of Light, I come to invite you during this entire thirty-day period (January 15th through February 14th, 1958) into the Temple of the Resurrection, which it is my honor as well as that of my beloved son, Jesus to guard, protect, sustain and expand. 

As you know the Resurrection Flame itself is opalescent in color. The Resurrection Temple is built in circular corridors, so that the advancing consciousness of individuals may each be received within the corridor wherein their own vibratory action is most receptive to the power of radiation and pressure of the Resurrection Flame. In the Holy of Holies, which is in the very center of the Temple, wherein the actual Flame abides, the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings, Angelic Hosts and all the Divine Ones may safely look upon and feel the magnificent pulsation of this Flame. 

In the outer corridors, chelas, sometimes unascended lifestreams interested in resurrecting the good that is within life, are allowed to feel the stepped down momentum of radiation and to comprehend through the feeling world, the mind, the etheric consciousness and sometimes even the flesh form that vibratory action of the Resurrection Flame which is most nearly akin to their own vibratory action. This is the mercy of life, the stepping down of the higher and more subtle vibrations which fill the higher atmosphere... for instance, of the Great Central Sun, through the kind offices of Helios and Vesta, to a point where the radiation through physical Sun may be of benefaction to the mankind of this planet and all the planets of the system. 

The stepping down or the lowering of the rate of vibratory action of any blessing and benefaction is under the control of Beings who keep that vibratory action always harmonious and constructive. This activity is in no way to be confused with the lowered vibration which is caused by the destructive use of free will of unascended beings. 

You may have in music, in prayer, in visualization or decrees a powerful vibratory action that is not too rapid, yet which is wholly constructive and harmonious, as well as that which is of a very rapid tempo and which is built through the combined endeavor of a group of individuals who throughout the years, and some throughout the centuries, have accelerated the rate of that vibration. 

We in the Resurrection Temple are very honored to be first chosen by the new Lord of the World to have permission to allow the Resurrection Flame to pass through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of mankind. We are honored to have the Presence of the great Sponsors of the year... the beloved Elohim Vista, whose activity is healing and who serves so closely with Raphael and myself on the Fifth Ray to direct the healing currents down to a point where they may be accepted and utilized by the lifestreams of those who require and accept them also. His beloved Divine Complement, Beloved Chrystal, whose magnificent grace and healing essence is a substance, as practically usable as water itself assists him. This substance may be drawn in, through and around your four lower bodies at will. 

In the privacy of your rooms you may raise your hands to these Beings and draw this substance, or in the ordinary course of your daily lives in the outer world just raise your consciousness to them. Feel that substance just washing away accumulations, emotional, mental, etheric and physical those are not the fullness of the perfection which you desire and should express. 

We are also the Host and Hostess of the beloved Gabriel. Gabriel who was my friend through so "many of the trying times of my own Earth life; he who helped to hold the Immaculate Concept for the Master Jesus and who helped me all through the trying years to refrain from accepting any limiting human appearance. He and his fellow Archangels assisted both Joseph (your beloved Saint Germain) and myself in the many experiences which we had to pass through, using all the intuitive power that we had developed to encourage and sustain us in our service to Jesus and all mankind. Lord Gabriel and I are close friends, deeply united through centuries of activity and service... The beloved Being Hope whose assistance is so essentially required by the peoples of Earth at this time, her radiation being that of buoyancy, of expectancy of good, a radiation of upliftment in the feeling world and the mind particularly, is assisting her Divine Compliment, Gabriel in this service. 

As the Transmission Flame Classes gather together throughout the entire Earth and breathe in the powers of the Resurrection Flame, they in turn breath it out through the four lower planes so that the entire Earth's evolution, all unascended beings, (that includes all elemental life and all imprisoned life everywhere) are the beneficiaries of that resurrecting power. 

Remember when you use the phrase "I AM the Resurrection and the Life" to follow it with a constructive and positive statement because it is a tremendous power. All unascended beings have resurrected many unpleasant experiences from the past, memories of discordant contacts with other human beings and so on and so forth. Therefore it is wise so complete your statement, "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life of all the glory and the good which I knew with the Father even before this world was that sets into motion the resurrecting of those Divine powers and the remembrance that lies within your etheric bodies of good, giving life to them rather than giving life, body, substance and power to unpleasantness of any kind. If you will please remember this you can resurrect those powers for good. You can become a living witness for the Ascended Masters' miracles that have taken place through the ages when you too wore flesh bodies and through some Avatar or great Master you actually saw the transmutation of distress into perfection. 

I am such a witness for the power of the Resurrection and Life of perfection through a flesh body such as you wear today, I was with my son, as you know, on Golgotha's Hill; I knew as the spear pierced his side and his physical vehicle was to all outer appearance made incapable for further use by the Holy Christ Self, that it was the choice of the beloved Jesus to use one of the two Flames (The Ascension Flame which would have set him free) or the Resurrection Flame which would resuscitate that broken body. 

During the time after beloved John walked with me from that hillside of sorrow when I spent some time in meditative prayer alone, I did so pray that in the renouncing of the Ascension Flame for just a little while, that the beloved Jesus would accept the use and power of the Resurrection Flame, resuscitating his physical vehicle so that not only I but others, the disciples, the fearful, those who had fled from the cross, broken in heart and more important disillusioned in soul and spirit, might see again their living breathing Master and Teacher whom they loved and trusted. 

As the scale weighed in the balance, as the Beloved Lord Maha Chohan, the beloved Gabriel, the beloved Saint Germain and myself, and beloved John, particularly, waited for that free will choice, we all called with all the powers of our being that, Jesus' affirmation in Gethsemane's Garden when he said "Thy will be done", would again be affirmed through his free will choice and he drawing that Resurrection Flame through his own body might burst the bonds of so called death and stand forth as a witness of the power of the Resurrection to all that looked upon him. 

As I have told you before, I was one of the first to whom he came after his resurrection and the tears did roll down my face, as I saw that he had accepted the gift of the Resurrection Flame and resuscitated that physical vehicle upon which yet were the marks of the stigmata in his hands, blessed feet and side so that he might, in a body similar to the One known to the disciples and his followers be a living witness of the victory over so called death. 

Then came my choice, when he said to me, “You, too, beloved mother may take the path of Ascension, when after a few days here on earth I shall accept my Ascension on Bethany’s Hill. I said “no I shall remain so long as I am required to serve here.” I used myself, the Resurrection Flame and all the gifts and power of Gabriel and Hope during that long period while the Christian Dispensation was established. 

I was one witness of a Resurrected Form; a Form from which life apparently had fled, which was reanimated and re-inhabited by the same consciousness that had left it on Good Friday; a form that walked into the presence of the disciples and followers and gave them proof of his Resurrection; a form, dearly beloved, who walked up Bethany's Hill with the Light shining through that magnificent vehicle until it was transmuted entirely into light, and he became, and still remains, the Ascended Jesus Christ Presence living and breathing to serve all life that is in distress. 

One must be careful of witnesses. Even here on Earth you measure a man before you take his word as witness. If he is reliable, honest and sincere in motive, if he is without guile; if he is mentally alert and capable, you can accept that word as witness. It is equally true when you deal with those unseen powers and forces that endeavor to influence mankind. when I say that I bear witness to the freedom and the victory in the Ascension of the beloved Jesus, I ask that you through the power of spiritual contagion may become like witnesses, and the people looking upon you shall know that the words you speak are confirmed by your feeling of acceptance and your manifest expression of the reality of perfection and the Resurrection and the Life of every dormant God power that is within your consciousness and which is yours to use to help to alleviate the distresses of the people of the Earth and all imprisoned life. 

You have not come to Earth merely to fulfill a karmic span. You who are the shepherds of the race have come to Earth to redeem, restore, resuscitate and resurrect her and bring the Earth again into the pristine purity and perfection which she knew when she was first created by the Seven Elohim with the assistance of the Directors of Nature and the Builders of Form; when the Angels walked and talked with mankind and there was no contamination known. That is the divine pattern and plan for this Earth, beloved ones. The divine fiat is never denied and so those of you interested in serving the God that made you are given an opportunity of being a part of this redemptive process and I cannot urge you too strongly to use the powers of the Resurrection Flame on every appearance of distress, resurrecting the life essence within it to its perfect God estate. 

Remember, beloved ones, every human appearance, even the mass entities of war, disease, limitation and distress are made up of intelligent life. That life, infinitesimal, tiny electrons all gathered together forming these mass entities desires to be set free. Desires to be resurrected from the shroud, which the thought, feelings, words and actions of the people who use and have used the Earth as a schoolroom have created around it. It is your privilege to call for that infinite power of the Resurrection Flame to resurrect the natural life and natural buoyancy, hope and perfection in every electron that belongs to this Earth and to this Planetary System. These calls will act in the invisible as well as the visible realms, because intelligence within imprisoned life will respond to the positive decree or fiat for the resurrection and life of the full perfection of the divine plan which the Father, God, created in the beginning. It has only temporarily been changed by destructive use of free will and the misuse of life. 

To this end, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy have devoted and are devoting our Lives, our time and our services. To this end we endeavor to pierce through the veil of maya and reach the consciousness of any and all lifestreams who wish to participate in the redemption of the Earth and Its evolutions. You can most easily do so while your Sponsor is active this month; (A gentleman is assigned to you from the Resurrection Temple) while the particular Flame and Ray of that Temple is in action. 

Therefore, at this present time while the Resurrection Flame is active, while the beloved Vista and Crystal. Gabriel and Hope, Jesus and myself and your Sponsor are giving the assistance of their Flames and Rays, please ask for the Resurrection and the Life of all the good in your lifestream, from the very first instant that you were created as a spirit spark and drew forth the light that created your White Fire Body. Call for the Resurrection and the Life of the dormant talents, gifts and powers that are within your Causal Body. Always end your invocations to the Resurrection Flame with a call for its positive use. 

All over the world, of course, many peoples and chelas are cognizant of the opening of the Resurrection Temple. We have been having visitors for some time now. The activity this evening will be under the direction of the beloved Gabriel, the Archangel, who holds the Immaculate Concept for every unascended being as well as for the planet Earth. He will be assisted by his Divine Complement, the blessed Hope. 

The amphitheatre is created over Asia Minor particularly, covering Europe, the Near East and that entire location will be blessed by the radiation as it pours forth, from every sphere, those who are able to receive from the powers of the Resurrection Flame will do so. From the former compound and the Sleepers Realm individuals will be drawn, as well as the disembodied individuals who are interested in the powers of life. 

It has been my petition that I have the opportunity to bring the children, all those who will be born in the year Nineteen Fifty-Eight, to the Resurrection Temple this evening. We have a special section of the Seventh, the outer corridor, set aside for these incoming souls, so that they may receive the power to resurrect all the good in their lifestreams firmly anchoring those positive God qualities into them before they come in through the gates of birth during the year of Nineteen-Fifty-Eight.