Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 22                                                                                                   Sept. 1, 1957


Blessed Children of God in Earth's Schoolroom: 

As you know, during the centuries individuals have planted their seeds and daily reap the harvest of sunshine and of sorrow (karma). As they garner the grain of kindliness from Life they are enriched. The tears, too, are cause for gratitude for thus it is learned that Life must be served wisely and well through the practice of forbearance, tolerance, kindly understanding and above all, Pure Divine LOVE. 

Love is a tangible substance. When a person holds himself in constant undisturbed harmony invisible rays of light go forth from the heart, following the rhythmic pulse beat, and form the natural aura around the individual. Such a one, holding a loving understanding attitude towards God and his fellowman draws forth love (as a magnet draws forth a steel splinter) from the hearts of all he contacts. 

Earth is the crucible in which the feeling world must be developed and controlled. Every human being, every member of the nature kingdom, every Ascended Master and Angel has a feeling body. Each one of these, too, has an individual heart within which is focused the Immortal Victorious Three-Fold Flame, for the Light that fills the God-Source is One. The Ascended Master's feeling world, however, has been so trained to vibrate with the Law of harmony that he has fitted himself to dwell in a Realm of Eternal Peace and Beauty. Man, on the other hand is forever inviting distress into his world by thoughtless "overmuch speaking". 

Before plunging into a talkfest if the individual would consider for a moment that words are vocalized breath and how briefly life would be maintained in the body without breath, then he would surely realize the power of words. I beg you, dear children, not to waste this precious substance and energy of God in what is sometimes called "harmless gossip". There is no such thing as harmless gossip. 

Some of you, beloved, in the privacy of your hearts and homes occasionally, with great vehemence, call me "to witness" that henceforth you are through with all unnecessary speaking. Others among you have written me an agreement along these lines, then have solemnly signed it, blessed it and burnt it. This gladdens my heart (for I see your inward determination to accomplish this). I hope for the best, but alas! Alas! Shortly thereafter insidious temptation suddenly confronts you - promises are forgotten by most in the joy of hearing their own voices. Forgotten, too, is consideration of what these idle words will do to the feeling worlds of those who listen and of those talked about. As Jesus has said - "For every idle word a man shall speak he shall render an accounting". 

You are all embodiments of God's love. I want you to feel this in every fiber of your beings toward all Life. Practice silencing the personality through prayer and invocation (take it just one day at a time) and I assure you the response will be forthcoming immediately as harmony, peace, health and mastery in your worlds and affair. 

Each one of you, beloved, today I endow with my strength to overcome, my breath to use wisely and my understanding of all Life everywhere.

Love and Blessings,








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