Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 7                                                                                                                    May 19, 1957


Children of Light: 

When the Beloved Jesus said that the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, he conveyed the Truth, because the capacity within the Sacred Fire to impress the Universal Light Substance and set it into motion according to the design of the individual is anchored within every man. 

That with which a man is surrounded is the externalization of the vibrations which he has impressed upon the sensitive Universal Light, and which lives for him as his environment and realm of activity. Therefore, all limitation and shadows are but the vibration of this Light which has been set into motion through the thought and feeling processes of mankind and obediently carries out the designs imposed upon it. 

When the individual determines to set his house in order, he has the authority within himself to cause every vibration that has passed through the Energy of his own Life from the beginning of time to cease its motion. Know, dear hearts, that the decree of the Master Jesus "Peace Be Still" is a cosmic fiat which can be issued by you, with your God Authority, until the very periphery of your individual world will be touched and the discordant vibrations can be stopped in an instant, returning the Light Substance to the quiescent God Purity which it had before the pressure of the lifestream set it into motion. 

The more peace and quiet one can secure preceding manifestation the greater will be the power of his own Creative Principle to direct into that sea of Universal Peace, and a new set of vibrations will ensue strongly charged with Health, Purity, Opulence and Peace. 

As you no doubt realize, the reason for your decree or your powerful silent invocation is to repeatedly seize these new vibrations and hold them until they manifest in the form you desire. 

The vibrations that are crystallized in every error, chain and shadow of human experience represent hundreds of thousands of years of repeated thought and feeling which has made these energy waves as large as the Mississippi or the Amazon. The setting up of new constructive vibrations requires careful tending and feeding until they have become the predominant influence in the life of the individual. 

This, too, is a Cosmic Service, because the more vibrations of optimism, happiness, courage and faith that are playing on the Universal Cosmic Organ, the better there is for mankind to feed upon and to sustain their soul growth. 

The question might come to your mind as to how every lifestream can affect the entire Universe if his own heart-beat is limited in its light wave. The radiation of every man in the Universe blends together and forms a whole, even as the stars in the Milky Way blend their radiation and form a pathway of golden light through the firmament. The intensity of the Light Waves determines how much each one's radiation affects the whole, but there is no form of self-conscious or even unconscious life that does not have a bearing upon the entire Life of the System. 

My Light and Love enfold you,

Love and Blessings,








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