Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 5                                                                                                         May 5, 1957


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Expansion of the Immortal Qualities within man, which are unfolded from within outward by the Flame of each one's own being, is the activity of the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. 

The seven-fold manifestation of the Chohans of the Rays are each a facet through which the activity of the externalization of the God-will, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, may find form. In the orderly cycles of evolution, each Ray is privileged to carry the predominant strength and vitality of the Service of the Third Person of the Trinity in successive order, and with the advent of the Violet Ray, and its, attendant ceremonial presentation, we have the completion of the final minor cycle under the direction of my office. 

As an individual will play the notes on the scale with the fingers of his hand, releasing the pressure of his will through one finger after the other, thus achieving a sense of acquaintanceship with the note which he plays, and mastery over the blending of those notes into a harmonious whole, so does the pressure of my Force, through the seven Rays under my direction, follow this orderly cycle. When the full force and impetus of the Holy Spirit has vitalized, energized and pressed from that Ray the fullness of its gifts and powers and activities, as wine is pressed from the grape, then will the completed instrument or hand of the Holy Spirit be ready to execute its symphony in the world of men. 

The impersonal activity of the Holy Spirit is well represented in the hand, because there can be no personality connected with the office and service of a hand when the veil is drawn between that hand and the body whence it ensues. 

You have heard the expression - and have needed the services of a "helping hand" occasionally in the course of daily living, and often knew not whence that "hand" would come. The Holy Spirit in the choosing of a body to render a service, or answer a prayer, must, of necessity, accept the service of a lifestream who wears a garment of flesh. Throughout the Planet Earth many, many times the Holy Spirit has reached forth a helping hand through a wholly unconscious vehicle and rendered a service of charity, of blessing, of comfort. 

In the coming activity, which will be the final manifestation of an Age of great Perfection for the Earth and her people, every hand of every lifestream will become a hand of the Holy Spirit. The capacity to clench the fist, either in anger or greed, will be replaced by the outstretched hand of blessing, and giving, and rising. 

As you have been told, the physical fingers upon the hand are indicative of the Five Chohans of the Rays. When the Seventh Ray has completed its service for the Earth and its people, the Cosmic Hand of the Universal Christ will stand revealed in the Heavens, and from its radiant, vibrant fingertips will the advent of the Second Coming flow in unceasing benediction upon the children of Earth. 

The dedication of the hands to the Holy Spirit was a ceremony of Atlantis that took place within the Temple, and which was a most serious Sacrament. Individuals, who, after long thought and serious contemplation chose to relinquish the free will of their hands into the greater use of the Invisible Deity, would place their hands upon the altar, and through the offices of a Priest or Priestess of the Flame, have those hands united with the Cosmic Will of the Universal First Cause. Through the centuries those individuals have carried that particular connection and their hands have become naturally qualified to soothe, to heal, and to convey blessings. 

There is no limit to the service that Life, through the hands of an unascended being, dedicated even in this late day, can render. Like draftees in an army - sooner or later every man must give his hands as well as his heart to God, but those who volunteer and precede that draft, are not only more loved of God, but experience the ecstasy of pre-dedication. 

And so, dear children, with the Hand and the Heart of the Holy Spirit - your friend, your Comforter and your sustaining Strength - I bless your hands and your hearts as I walk with you.

Love and Blessings

Maha Chohan







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