Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 39                                                                                                         December 29, 1957


Beloved Friends of Light: 

You who have been chosen to be co-workers with the Gods have been carefully selected. Those willing to learn the art of selflessness, that is, to serve without adulation from within the Light, will have their names forged on the Eternal Records of Life. 

Some students, as you know, have a larger sphere of influence than others, that is, more lifestreams are within the compass of their influence. So, I ask you, dear ones, to call upon me - enter into the radiance of the Holy Comforter (which is my service to Life) and, connecting thus with my Presence you will bring peace and order out of chaos, harmony out of a distressed, discontented heart, wisdom out of ignorance, health out of sickness and supply out of lack. I assure you I will not fail you, whether you call for one person or a hundred, MY Light and MY Comforting Presence can envelop all. 

Remember, dear hearts, we are conscious of your slightest endeavor. Sometimes in the struggle of your individual worlds we feel the longing of your Presence for our help. This may not be given except at your call. In this you can see the wisdom of Life, for in your call is the giving up or letting go, the surrender, as it were to a higher Power. Call, beloved, and your call is answered. 

In this joyous subservience of the outer self to the Inner Self is full Mastery. This you want to attain. Remember, my beloved, the greatest of men are those who serve. You serve me daily, each one, for this I bless you, for you are endeavoring to be my Comforting Presence as you walk in the turmoil of earthly living. What you are hourly is the measure of what you represent as an outpost of ourselves. In times of crises true, the Holy Christ Self sweeps aside the outer self and performs on rare occasions feats of great heroism (This is termed by the outer as "reserve energy"). You, who receive these words of mine, receive them because of the request of your own Christ Selves. These beautiful Christ Selves have waited for countless centuries to fulfill the God Plan through the personal egos. You chose to become co-creators with the Father in his Kingdom. It is my obligation to tell you that you must ascend on your particular Ray to its apex. This, beloved, carries more responsibility than, at the moment, you can comprehend. Let us see how willing you are to subjugate the personal ego so as to become now, today, a Comforter to Life. This is a big stride forward. 

By your cooperation, and by the manifest activities of your outer selves, will the Karmic Lords determine how great a dispensation they will give in the coming January council which is now close at hand. 

Dear Hearts, keep the Inner Eye ever turned toward the Source from whence all Comfort flows, thus will your aura be suffused with his Peaceful Presence. 

I give you the Blessings of the Holy Spirit. May you come to understand his gift of Life and become that Comforting Presence?

Love and Blessings,