Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 37                                                                                                                  December 15, 1957


Beloved Ones 

When a soul has accumulated great wisdom and understanding in a previous life it is most unfortunate that the succeeding birth must be clouded by the karmic restrictions which lie on the entire race and forbids that soul to bring in the full memory of his own Light, which he must pick up again through intuitional development and labor for years to master through the brain structure and vehicles provided him in the present birth. Even our Beloved Jesus was subject to this law.                 

The reason that the consciousness of man is not allowed the memory of the past is because the sins and iniquities of the race have become so heavy and the hate and injustices so terrific that the Karmic Law, in mercy, drops this curtain of forgetfulness to give the egos an opportunity of expanding their Soul Light without carrying grudges of preceding lives into the present. 

When the Cosmic Law intervenes and sets up a new blanket activity which is universal in its scope and not individualized, it means that the entire evolutionary chain must abide by the full decisions and live under the action of that Law and that personal achievements of any one member of the race does not exempt him from the action of that Law. Today, however, because the Cosmic Law's demands for more Earth Light cannot be denied, we have thought it advisable to secure the intervention of some members of the human race to apply to the Lords of Karma to have this blanket restriction removed and allow the souls of the Great who are here, and who are yet to come, to bring with them their own full Soul Light, their wealth of consciousness and memory of association with ourselves, thus enabling them to utilize their forces, not so much to re-master that which the soul has known, but to vitalize their knowledge and let it grow in service as the beloved brothers on Venus have done from the beginning of time. 

The conditions now of the great souls who have passed through the school of Earth and achieved a contact and communication with the Super Intelligences that govern the Universe (but to be thrown back into a baby body and pass again through the a-b-c's of orthodoxy is as pitiful and as unnecessary as it would be for a full grown scholar to suffer a shock of amnesia and return to kindergarten. So, dear ones, may I suggest that you petition the Lords of Karma that this blanket for the young be removed, according to their wisdom, for there would be nothing gained if this were done for those whose memories contain bitterness and hatred, and if the veil were lifted it would be but an added weight on the race, and these people would find the past a weight upon the present. 

And so, in closing, my dear workers in the vineyard, if you will permit me, I will digress and speak on the Ascension and what it means. 

As you know, the body is made up of water, air and earth. It is animated by spiritual Fire, which is the transmuting element that absorbs eventually the other three elements into itself. When the earth, the water and the air have become completely permeated by the Fire of Spirit, they become etheric substance, and at the moment of the Ascension, the Fire of God returns to the Father, with the transmuted elements of the Earth within itself. Thus the Ascension is the ascending of the Fiery Flame which has animated the physical body from the beginning of time. At the death of the mankind the Flame ascends, but without absorbing the purified substance of the earth body and remains but one element. At the time of the Ascension of the awakened soul the Flame becomes the four elements, and in that Ascension you have the four square activity of the Fourth Dimension, and there is no return of the Flame to the Earth as its journey is completed. 

If you will visualize this Fire in your breath, drawing all of your Earth substance into itself now, and prepare for its last journey home, you will be able to hasten the process of purification preceding the Ascension.

Love and Blessings,








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