Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 18                                                                                                                      August 4, 1957


Beloved ones seeking to know the Truth which will set you free:

I present to you the words of the God Meru as spoken on July 20th, 1957. I do decree that you enjoy visitations at his Retreat, bathe in the Illumination Flame, call often to the Beloved Lady Sponsor he has assigned to you and profit thereby.

Love and Blessings,



God Meru: 

Blessed and beloved children of Life seeking the way of Truth, welcoming the Flame of Illumination into your outer consciousness in order that you might enrich not only your own soul growth but that of all whom you contact. To you I come, bringing all of the blessings from our Holy Mountain, all of the blessings of the Brotherhood of Illumination and all of the individual blessings of my lifestream! 

For many, many ages now have we guarded and sustained that Focus of the Illumination Flame which both we and you honor tonight. It is encouraging to see that some few of the more advanced among the race have found their way into the heart of the Andes Mountains wherein that Flame abides. In the future, when the spiritual pioneers have opened the emotional, mental and etheric pathways toward our mystic Retreat, more and more of mankind will become physically aware of the spiritual radiation that is held within the great Andes Mountains and you will see that those who have clung for many ages to the desire to enter into the great Himalayan Range will begin to turn their spiritual pilgrimages to the West. 

We are in the process now of preparation for such change... For several years there have been transported from the great Retreat of my brother Himalaya those priceless scrolls and scripts which have been prepared by the Sages throughout many ages and which have been preserved in his Retreat unto this present day and which will, when mankind is raised above the consciousness of greed and selfishness and the capacity of self destruction, be released for the use of the masses as self evident proof of the truths which have been presented by the many Avatars and by the very many Ascended Masters of Light and of Wisdom under which the members of the race (who will then be living on this Earth) have studied before. They can place their hands upon the parchment; they can place their fingers into the groves made in the stones; they can feel the very substance of the energy of their own Master of Light, who, ages before, made those written records and that contact with the physical substance of Earth, which has been so carefully preserved by the great Lord Himalaya and his Brotherhood.  

We have now taken upon ourselves the responsibility and obligation of guarding these treasures until that future day when they can be safely entrusted to the people who have made themselves worthy of their reception. Here in the Andes the coming connection between the Ascended Master consciousness and the magnetic pull of the raised consciousness of mankind will revivify the etheric memories of the Truths which that Master or Avatar taught and those individuals who are coming into embodiment in the great civilization being born in South America will have the spiritual satisfaction of enjoying these magnificent treasures of every kind and description. 

Now, I see in the minds of many of you a request for light on the subject of the Manu and so I will take a little of my allotted time to discuss it with you... 

Manus have been provided for the seven great Root Races who naturally belong to the Earth's evolution. Each of these Manus, me included, is responsible for a Root Race and the Seven Sub-races which come under him. Each Manu cannot be free, or does not choose to be free, until every member of his Root Race and the seven Sub-Races belonging to it are redeemed and ascended into the God Perfection from whence they came forth in the beginning. 

As you have been told on previous occasions, the first three Manus completed their service within the prescribed time fourteen thousand years because the radiation on the Earth was not yet polluted by the coming of the laggards from other Stars. Therefore their Root Races embodied; their Sub-Races developed and the people ascended having completed in approximately fourteen thousand years their cycle of evolution. Next we come to the great Himalaya, the Manu of the Fourth Root Race. There are many Fourth Race people with their successive Sub-Races still in embodiment, so the great Himalaya is really one of those who is an Exile of Love, remaining here in the great Himalaya Mountains still serving and blessing those individual lifestreams belonging to the Fourth Root Race and the Sub-Races belonging to it who have not yet completed their life plan into the Ascension. That includes any members of the Angelic Host who came out with the Fourth Root Race, any of the Guardian Spirits who came forth from other planets at the inception of the Fourth Root Race, any elementals who became imprisoned at that time and, in fact all life, all living things, everywhere. 

The Lord Himalaya is therefore responsible for the redemption of all of mammals and animal life, some of which is still in a state of suspended animation beneath the caps of the frozen wasteland at the poles and it is the responsibility and obligation of Lord Himalaya and his lieutenants, chelas, unascended friends and all those who belong to that Fourth Race to make that redemption possible. 

The great Vaivasvata Manu is responsible for the evolution and restoration in a similar activity of the Fifth Root Race and all of its Sub-Races. 

It is my obligation, of course, to bring to maturity the Sixth Root Race upon the planet Earth, including all of its Sub-races. 

Now, why exactly does a Manu take on this responsibility? A Manu is a Perfected Being - a Being who has already developed the perfection of the Godhead and who offers to a Sun of a System (in our and your case Helios and Vesta), to be God-Parents to a certain number of Spirit Sparks which will be drawn forth upon a planet. These Spirit Sparks are projected by the Father and Mother of the System (Helios and Vesta) into universal light, becoming glorious Immortal Three-Fold Flames and around them a great White Fire Being is formed. That White Fire Being in turn projects forth the Twin Flames; this entire activity taking place in the realms of perfection. These Twin Flames, as they dwell in those realms of perfection, have free Will. They can choose to descend through the entire seven spheres where perfection exists, linger as long as they wish in each of the spheres, assimilating as much of the instruction, radiation and color into their Causal Bodies in each sphere as they desire. 

Now you may think it peculiar, but the Twin Flames do not always proceed together through the seven spheres because through free will one sometimes will choose to remain a little longer in the first or second sphere while the other may move on to the third and fourth, etc. It is exactly the same as when one Twin Flame chooses to take embodiment, sometimes the other part of that Flame never chooses to take an incarnation at all, but for the purpose of my illustration we will see the Twin Flames descending through the seven spheres. Only those who have passed through the seven spheres, starting, of course, in the White Light around the Presence of Helios and Vesta (the Electronic Belt around the Sun) and then moving out through the seven spheres (which are similar to the colors in your Causal Body) can qualify for embodiment on Earth. 

When they have passed through those seven spheres each one has developed around himself a Causal Body which has predominant within itself one specific band of color. Only those beings who have passed through the seven spheres at inner levels and have drawn a band of color large enough to be acceptable to the Manu may apply to that Manu to come in with his Root Race as a Guardian, as a part of the race, or as an Angelic Guide. 

Now, the seven Manus (you know them all well, having been so long under their supervision) who applied for the opportunity of taking charge of these Spirit Sparks were selfless Beings desirous of guarding those spirits who wished to come into embodiment on this Earth. Those spirits who desired to come in as the sixth Root Race were whose radiation in the Causal Body was predominantly golden in color. These were given into my keeping and I (in cooperation with the Karmic Board as well as with the Laws governing embodiment) was allowed to bring through the gates of Birth the first members of the Sixth Root Race as well as some of the Sub-Races which are now beginning to infiltrate the mass of mankind. 

All of the Sixth Root Race and all of its Sub Races are not yet in embodiment Therefore my task is comparatively new, insofar as redemption is concerned. My task and that of the Goddess Meru is to reap, really, where others had sown, because as Himalaya and the Vaivasvata Manu and all of the beings who belong to the earlier Root Races, all of the redeemed laggards who are being called into action and all of the Ascended Master Saint Germain's students are purifying the atmosphere. Thus more of the Sixth Root Race lifestreams can come in and they, of course, will be finer, more delicate of form, more beautiful, more highly attuned and developed than their predecessors. They can be easily ' distinguished by those who have studied the Law of the Root Races by the perfection of their form. They have the perfect oval face, the majority being of golden hair and blue of eyes (with certain exceptions where we have chosen to give assistance to Himalaya through Oriental embodiment). In such instances those individuals have taken on and will take on, of course, the features of the race into which they have embodied or will embody and assist him in his self imposed task. 

Now, as before stated, each Manu is in himself a Perfected Being and that Manu utilizes a vehicle prepared for him at the inception of his Root Race. (This is a most delicate and subtle subject and one which cannot be dealt with even to all the student body)... A Manu is the Ultimate Archetype of the entire Root Race and all the Sub-Races he governs... he is the perfection which God, the Father and God the Mother of the Almighty Universe desires to manifest through that Race. Therefore such an One (contrary to previously presented instruction) does not, himself, embody, any more than the Divine Avatar does but you have a Mystic Union such as was manifested when the beloved Lord Maitreya joined his consciousness with that of Jesus, the Christ, at the Jordan when the two became one, so that Lord Maitreya, through Jesus, might bring the powers of the Cosmic Christ to man (Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist). 

So it is with the Manu... It has been written that the Manu himself takes birth. The fact is the Manu is offered by a very pure and beautiful pupil (whom he has trained) at inner levels) but who is not yet ascended) the use of his body. That blessed pupil comes naturally through the gates of birth, like Jesus did, and he holds within himself as clear and distinct as possible the picture of the great Manu, his Teacher. That picture is also closely held by the Devic Protector who stands around both the chosen mother and father, as well as the embryo as it develops. Practically always the mother and father are aware of the sacrifice and the preparation of the dedicated lifestream, so that the trinity (the mother, the father and the child) prepare the cup and then at a chosen time (according to the receptivity of the pupil who has embodied and according to the cosmic moment when the Manu is needed to be expressed on Earth) is the contact made. Now sometimes in that union the soul of the pupil departs and the Manu wears the pupil’s body for as long as he may choose. At other times the soul of the pupil remains and the Manu uses it only fleetingly. In the latter case the Manu is free to continue his work at inner levels and not be constantly concerned with feeding and clothing and performing the necessary task of sustaining a physical form, because the pupil so dedicated takes care of the physical body and other menial necessities. 

This, beloved ones, is as clear a description as can be given to you of the activity of the Manu of the Race. Now, sometimes I have seen one of the Manus take on the form of his pupil at the age of five. In the case of the great Himalaya the possession by the Manu was accomplished at the age of twelve. In my own case I have not yet prepared my vessel. It will come when the Earth's axis is straightened and the great jungles and morasses, the reptiles, insect life and other vicious foci in South America are redeemed and transmuted and that continent becomes the beautiful paradise which it is destined to become, Then, again, the splendor and magnificence that we knew with the Father before the world was, will be manifested in South America and the Great Divine Director with his Seventh Root Race and all its Sub-Races, will enjoy all of the Western Hemisphere as a literal paradise here on Earth. Saint Germain's Golden Age will then be permanently established. 

You among us here tonight as well as the faithful students who read my words, are those privileged to be in embodiment during this time of change because of the strength of your light, because of past association with various ones of us; because of your capacity to understand the intricacies of the Spiritual Law and to cognize the requirements of the hour; utilizing the energies of your own individual and collective worlds to expand God's Kingdom here on Earth. 

We thank you beloved ones for your faithfulness. We hope that you will enjoy the lovely Sponsors who were assigned to you on the fifteenth of this month lovely ladies from our Retreat - clothed in gold or pink representative of Illumination’s Flame. They are all Ascended Beings, graceful in the extreme; very, very, dignified, and having tremendous power to help you to know that truth which alone sets you free. I cannot emphasize too much the reality of those Sponsors who will come at your call, day or night, throughout this 30 day period (July 15 - August 15, 1957) and render the service for you that you require to expand the light on your pathway accelerate your brain consciousness, purify your etheric memories, revitalize your mental capacity and help you attain the GOD CONTROL of the energies of your feeling world. 

If you can accept the reality of these Beings as well as the reality of myself, our Retreat and the Illumination Flame, you will receive much that will illumine your pathway and that will make life extremely more pleasant for you.






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