A Bridge to Freedom Publication

 April 15, 1957

Gentle Readers of our Beloved "Bulletin": 

God bless you! Once again are we indebted to our gracious Lord Maha Chohan for the privilege and opportunity to bring into your world some decrees which, if used, will be very helpful so you in days to come. Now is the time to build momentum of illumination, protection, peace and confidence in our applications. These will stand in good stead as Beloved Mother Mary experienced in her earth experiences - her momentums of prayer, contemplation and faith in God and his Divine messengers - as well as her conscious acceptance of their Presence, ability and willingness to help her, were suddenly expanded until they became world-wide in her hour of triumph over the appearances of this world. So will it be for you and all of us - it is a Universal law and cannot fail! 

Daily use the above four lines below - prayerfully, thoughtfully, believingly and they will serve you well in so many ways. Your "perfect place may be as to “job”, protected location, abundant supply of all you require for your comfort and general well-being - any number of things. Use it daily – many times a day and you will have no cause to regret its use. 

Beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me: 

Hold my Flame steady! Make and keep me ready!

Put and keep me always in my perfect place!

My Presence I adore thee! Always go before me

And flood through me to ALL - sweet Mary's Grace! 

(Hold my Flame steady means to hold uninterrupted harmony for you!) There are many moments which, we otherwise "waste' during the course of a day - moments when we are waiting for someone on the telephone; waiting for means of conveyance; riding upon those conveyances to and from business; etc. MAKE YOUR TIME COUNT FOR YOUR BLESSING! Turn your attention back to your own God Presence anchored there within your beating heart, over and over again - many times a day. This is “praying without ceasing” which beloved Jesus stressed to his followers during his ministry. By so doing, he became the Father in action here – “The Father and I ARE ONE!” 

The Beloved Maha Chohan’s Retreat at Ceylon is always open to the chelas and students desiring Comfort. The need for COMFORT is a Universal one and the following can efficaciously be used ALL YEAR LONG! Use this for yourself first - then change the pronoun to “us” and finally use it for “all” - changing the wording to fit the particular need: 

Sweep the Comfort Flame through me (3 times) my own Beloved I AM!           (once)


“                  “                  “                  From the heart of Maha Chohan!        “         

“                  “                  “                  By Cosmic Christ command!                 “         

“                  “                  “                  Let it expand and ever expand!          “         


“                  “                  “                  and purify my soul!                             “        

“                  “                  “                  Let it my world control!                      “         

“                  “                  “                  All life from pain now free-                “         

“                  “                  “                  Restore the joy God meant to be!       “         


“                  “                  “                  Fill my world with its love!                  “         

“                  “                  “                  Sustained by Comfort's dove!             “         

“                  “                  “                  Christ Light to all release!                  “         

“                  “                  “                  Ascend all in its peace."                      “         


Thank you for your attention - that is your life and the most precious gift you can ever possess!


Joyously and victoriously in the light

“I AM” Frances K. Ekey