Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 1                                                                                                                                     April 7, 1957


Beloved Children of God: 

An individual's Divine Plan is pre-ordained and placed in the accounts of the Spiritual Archives at the time individualization takes place. When the physical body is formed the Holy Spirit "wires" it just as is wired an electric sign for illumination. That wire is the Breath, and then on the Breath the Life Principle enters the body. Within the Life Principle is the Divine Plan, and the individual who allows that Divine Plan, to expand the perfect master-form is fulfilling his Divine Destiny. 

When the seed is prepared to give richness to the world of manifest form a process of germination takes place, and from this seed comes forth the Divine Plan of the flower, the fruit, the vegetable or tree, and the whole physical world is enriched thereby. 

There are approximately nine billion souls belonging to the human race, each One born to enrich the entire universe. For this reason a tremendous expenditure of Light is projected forth from the Higher Octaves. Many in the course of their earthly careers have enriched the consciousness of mankind and the human race to which they belong. Many other individuals have been using Life to create unlike their Divine Plan. Now, because the hour of harvest is here, the Holy Spirit is required, to bring each soul back to the Heart of God and show the fruit of his living. That is why I come and that is why I have remained with each of you, my children. 

Every emotion, every thought, every word, every quality that makes mankind happier and richer, and Life more beautiful for all that lives, is in accord with the Divine Plan, just as every petal of the full-blown rose is filled with its perfume and adds to its beauty... On the other hand, every habit, thought, word and feeling that tends to make mankind unhappy and their burden heavier is NOT in accord with the Divine Plan, It is simply a misuse of God's Harmonious Energy and no one will be held guiltless in the great accounting. Be not hesitant therefore to unfold the radiance of your love, for each of you, Seekers of Light, have much love to give, else you would not be on the Path! 

The process of blending the outer consciousness with the inner is one of the great joys of my Being. I am vitally interested in training these recalcitrant outer selves in the processes of thought and feeling, just as you would be interested in molding the consciousness of a small child; and here let me say that if there were intelligent direction of the child's actions and reactions before that little one had to meet outer world conditions, I firmly believe that the constructive pulsations planted within the consciousness would be stronger than the mass pressure of the conditions of Earth, but this is aside from the point - a mere thought for the day - let us say. 

There are several doors to an individual's consciousness and one of the most dangerous is the outer mind, which is like a sensitive photographic plate. This outer mind constantly feeds the consciousness with truths, half truths and with utter folly. This outer mind is an instrument provided by Life by which the Holy Christ Self was meant to direct the process of evolution. It has become so gross and dense that the vibrations from the Presence and the Ascended Masters do not always record upon it, yet the outer discordant suggestions from the visible and invisible are constantly recorded therein which set up a condition of turmoil and distress in the outer consciousness. 

One simple way of knowing which force is using the outer mind is the test of feeling. If the Higher Self, the Masters, Angels or Nature Devas are playing on the mind, the feelings will be peaceful and relaxed and full of good-will and the consciousness will absorb that state of Ascended Master Consciousness and they will become one. When the outer mind is unhappy, rebellious, critical and distressed, the consciousness is absorbing a separate entity and is being fed by destructive suggestions. 

Be ever alert, dear ones, to the protection of the mind from the danger of unseen forces. Man has no concept of the power of his own individuality to maintain an identity amid the thousands of tons of swirling energy that flow constantly in the lower atmosphere of earth. Yet from that tiny stream of electronic force that flows into a man's heart and animates his body, there is enough pressure of Light to keep even the unawakened man prompted from within to a point where he is enabled to pursue, even though slowly, the natural course of his evolution. This is one of the great miracles of evolution. 

Seen with the inner eye man's evolution on Earth may be compared to a person swimming against the tide in a sea filled with all manner of voracious creatures, yet having within himself a tiny motor that would enable him to pursue the course toward his goal in safety. As the individual begins to awaken to the Divine Verities, the pressure of his own Divine Christ Nature increases and the electronic light it generates flows through him so powerfully that it gives opportunity even to the most stubborn and ungoverned individual to rise out of the mass consciousness of the human mind wherein is born all trouble and distress, thus enabling him to express his true God Identity. 

I can sympathize with you, beloved wayfarers, because I have not forgotten the agony of spirit which I to suffered during my own Earth journey in trying to manifest that Sweet Presence in an unbelieving world. 

My Love enfolds and strengthens you, each one, as you call to me, for assistance on your homeward journey.

Love and Blessings,









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