Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 6                                                                                                                    May 9, 1954


On Energy and Vibration

Beloved Children: 

There is no such thing as a being ascended or unascended, without vibration and radiation immediately resulting from conscious or unconscious cause. Vibration and radiation are coexistent with form. Even a blade of grass, a flower, a rock, a tree emits unconsciously a rate of vibration which affects the cosmos as a whole and which, mind you, by the undulation of its energy re-arranges the atoms of the entire universe. Thus, all life is constantly contributing to a changing of the actual center of the cosmos. This law applies to the Ascended Host as well as men evolving on the earth's surface and even to the Godhead itself.

The idea that the higher octaves are in a state of utter peace and rest has arisen from the fact that ascetics who have, through contemplation, temporarily loosed their consciousness from the moving sea of vibratory action of the lower realm and contacted the higher realms, found the contrast between the two so great that, in endeavoring to give worded expression to their experiences, they have conveyed the impression of a static state as against the law vibration which forms the atmosphere of earth; thus often are truths falsely garbed through human misapprehension.

The peace and quietude of the higher octaves is described by the mortal mind as a place where vibration does not exist because the vibration of the outer mind means noise and motion and confusion. Let it be here set forth, therefore, that the ecstatic bliss of Nirvana, which is the aura of the universal First Cause, is a vibratory action and not a void. The universe itself is filled with electronic light which is intelligent. These electrons have the power and capacity within themselves to receive directions and, by the exertion of their own intelligence, perform the necessary activities required to manifest those directions.

Within this universal light substance which fills the universe from the heart center to its periphery are self-conscious beings who alone have the power to set this electronic light substance into motion. The intelligence within it does not act until set into motion by a superior power, a thought and feeling focus endowed with God Authority. The electronic light would remain in the unformed state if some God intelligences did not charge into it a direction for pattern and outline. These individualized foci of intelligence who are the motivating power behind creation are the God-Beings – Masters - and the mankind of earth which latter are endowed with the capacity to re-arrange electronic particles they are students in the classroom of  life. 

Any focus, no matter how ignorant or untrained, endowed with a thought and feeling principle, is a conscious or unconscious influence upon the distribution and arrangement of the electronic substance of the universe in which he finds being and it is that he may consciously cooperate with the design of the Godhead that mankind is now being trained. This conscious control of the electronic substance in accord with the God Plan lies within the evolution of both his intelligence and his capacity to embrace the God Consciousness. Meditate, my children, upon the power of the spark of God that lives within your hearts. Consciously place the problems that beset you in the transmuting Flame of its Presence. Surrender your human will to its guidance and say with Jesus - "Not my will, but Thine be done". Then you may also say - "Whosoever seeth me, seeth the Father".

Blessings and Love,







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