Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 52                                                                                                    March 21, 1954


Beloved Kuthumi's Report on the Transmission Flame Activity of Feb.20, 1954 

Beloved Friends: 

Darjeeling tonight presents a heart raising and exquisite sight, looking at it from the hillside, the great palace is ablaze with light, the great towers, the central globe and the entire building shining in that supernatural way that all places which are foci of the Ascended Brotherhood do. 

We are engaged tonight in the study of the Will of God in relation to every avenue and channel by which mankind is guided, served or nourished. 

The Heads of all the Seven Rays not only the Chohans, the mighty Archangels and the Elohim but individuals of other great initiate development are present. 

The manifold expression of the Will of God could not be described to the finite mind, but there is no channel that serves constructive endeavor that can succeed or expand without humility in the consciousness and heart of the leader to the Will of God himself, and it is this great humility in the hearts of the elect in Darjeeling tonight which gives us such hope that we may be able to infiltrate our instruction through them to the consciousness of the people who work under them, according to the people's development and capacity to recognize Truth as well as recognize the development of the teacher who imparts it. 

The Beloved Master Morya is acting in his capacity as Representative of the First Sphere tonight. He wears brilliant, iridescent white garments. A magnificent diamond, the largest known on the earth today, gleams in the front of his white turban and the brush, which is a good eight inches high, is royal blue. The girdle at his waist is banded in this same royal color and he wears tonight (which is unusual for him) exquisite blue sandals, embroidered heavily in pearls and encrusted with diamonds. On the forefinger of the left hand he wears a great sapphire ring and on the forefinger of the right he wears a large diamond. 

He is already upon the rostrum. At his right is his own great Teacher, the mighty Hercules, who is in royal blue from head to foot. On his left is the great Master whom you are not yet acquainted with, but who is the teacher of the power element in the nature kingdom... and he, also, is clothed in the same royal blue. 

The Brotherhood of the Diamond Heart all wear white tonight, with the Diamond Heart encrusted with diamonds and outlined in royal blue over the left breast. Each wears a cowl cape, ranging from the deep electric blue down to the pale blue, each shade representing the graded service of the Brother in the Order. 

The Master Morya has had created an exquisite heart of white lilacs to encircle the magnificent diamond and sapphire altar which is the pride of all India. Through the lilac is interspersed at intervals the lovely blue wood violet which is his favorite flower. 

He is demonstrating tonight (for the benefit of the lesser Brotherhood, the representatives from the Orthodox churches and the great governmental heads) the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet as focused through the Chohans of the Rays. He is magnetizing through his jewels of power the Divine Ideas from the Mind of God in the First Sphere.  

It is a most interesting thing to watch... as he lifts the left hand, the power jewel (the sapphire) becomes a magnet and from the First Sphere the seeds of God-Ideas respond and actually take form before our eyes. At first when they begin to emerge from the invisible at the nave of the chancel they seem vapory and ethereal in outline, but as they get down near the jeweled ring they become quite tangible and are very beautiful in appearance. Then through the jeweled finger on the right hand he directs them. He now makes a motion as if drawing them through his body and then projects them over the audience with the five fingers of the right hand... the great diamond on the forefinger glowing and sparkling like living fire. 

As these thought ideas enter his body you can see their form in scintillating white light, but as they leave his body they take on color and vitality. They are coming so rapidly now that one cannot distinguish them one from another but that is a manifest expression of the magnetization of Divine Ideas from the Heart of God that has never been externalized before by any son or daughter of God. These God-Ideas are so subtle and vibrate so rapidly that they could not be felt by the consciousness of any incarnate lifestream until they had been "stepped-down" by some God-Being. 

As these beautiful thought forms fill the room they may be absorbed by anyone who is present, each idea having the capacity within itself to grow and develop into some exquisite perfection of music, of education, of politics, of invention, of religious endeavor and a myriad other expressions. The alert ones in the audience are magnetizing the thought forms as they leave Morya's hand and drawing them into themselves by their own heart's flame... while others are "just watching the show" and letting the precious ideas float by them. It is an interesting sight to watch the activity of each one's Light. 

In the great gardens outside the palace float the exquisite angel Devas of the Diamond Heart. These are really the most beautiful of the Devas. Tonight they wear tiaras of exquisite diamonds, some are seven pointed, some nine and some are complete crowns. The great Leader is feminine. Her tiara comes to a point at the top and it is oh quite, eight inches' high. Her garments are something similar to what you ladies would call “chiffon” and are heavily studded with a diamond-like Illumination which flows from her body. These Beings of the Diamond Heart are waiting to receive the magnetized thought and feeling forms which the Beloved Morya is projecting forth. They will take them north, south, east and west on their breath and it is the intent of Morya to drop a group of them into every sanctuary and every reading room and home where there are students gathered... and we will all be interested to see how many will pick up a new idea, nourish it and bring it forth into form. Morya himself is checking very carefully tonight to see how receptive the individual consciousness is, how many can feel the gift and how many will have the perseverance to follow it through. 

The breath track is very powerful tonight because Himalaya and Aries themselves have gone round the world to strengthen it and Morya's activity will continue through the entire breathing ceremony. He is not using the throat, heart and head center, just the hands... drawing in with the left and directing with the right. There is a reason for this that may not be described to you now. Absorb the ideas... follow the breath track and God be with you. 








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