Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 43                                                                                                       January 17, 1954

Saint Germain’s Report of December 31st, 1953 on the Teton Activities, ctd. 

(These Beings are all in snow-white)... The Retreat makes an exquisite picture as seen from the atmosphere above... the white hub and then the beautiful colored spokes representing the seven colors of the spectrum with the great Master Presences and the chelas filling in the wider part of the wheel. 

The thrones of the Lords of Karma are in the atmosphere above the mountain. The Flame on the circular Altar in the centre of the white council chamber has the outline of the Unfed Flame. It has been so placed that it is equally visible from all sides and this living Flame joins with the great created Flame brought from Shamballa. It is a most magnificent sight. 

Over the Lords of Karma (who wear snow-white tonight and glorious diamond crowns with the seven points indicative of their office) stands the Silent Watcher who always wears robes of blue. Tonight his robe is studded with stars and the great tiara on his head is also star-studded. It is his great service to draw from the mind and heart of the Universal First Cause the Divine Pattern for the New Year, which he holds within his Consciousness until the moment of midnight when Sanat Kumara raises his Consciousness to that of the Silent Watcher and draws the Thought Form down into himself. Sanat Kumara immediately externalizes it in the atmosphere in front of him. This Thought Form will be made out of the energy of his own Light and all the brotherhood and everyone else, who is present, will create a similar form in the atmosphere in front of them each one endeavoring to accept in consciousness the import that is within it. Then, at a given signal, everyone present releases that Thought Form into the atmosphere and literally hundreds of thousands of these Thought Forms will be catapulted out into the world to be accepted by the inner bodies and the sensitive consciousnesses of the race. 

In every Retreat on the planet one individual has been chosen to be the Receiver of the Thought Form for that Retreat. Each such member has sacrificed his presence at the Teton to remain within the heart of his own Retreat and, with the small body of guardians who also elect to remain, they like yourselves and other beautiful individuals and groups throughout the planet, are "alerted" for this magnificent cosmic event. I cannot emphasize too much how grateful we are to have groups of unascended beings willing to cooperate with the endeavors of the Brotherhood and to recreate as best they can the same ceremony as it takes place in the heart of the Teton. 

At the completion of the release of the Thought Forms the Great Beings at the Teton will enact the same Flame lighting ceremony that you beloved ones have in mind (a candle light service) and the song drawn forth by one of your members is one that was used by Sanat Kumara and the Friends at Shamballa in the ages when he was visible to the physical sigh and the yearly celebration of the acknowledgment of the Flame took place in the city of the Bridge. So you will not only receive the Thought Form but you will be re-enacting the processional in honor of the Flame at the same time the Brotherhood is performing the same Ceremony at the Teton. You should be able to feel the currents that pass through your bodies is unascended God Flame-Bearers. 

We have endeavored to time the ascended and unascended activities exactly, and as the digest of the magnificent accomplishment of the student body for the year 1953 was being read to you, the great Sponsor for the year 1953, Lord Michael, was presenting the address to the Assembly at the Teton. You will see from this how closely the students are working now with the Brotherhood. 

The Beloved Lord Michael arranged before the activities of the evening began that the members of your families who have passed through the veil and all those who were given the Grant be drawn to the Teton and they were given the news* at the same time that your hearts leapt in receipt of it. It is a wonderful thing, beloved ones; something that has never been done on this earth before.


12 o’clock, midnight, January 1, 1954… 

Now, if you will look with your mind’s eye for a moment at the figure of the Silent Watcher you will see the tremulous vibration through the blue radiation which forms his permanent aura when the Thought Form for the year 1954 passes into the consciousness of Sanat Kumara, who stands with up-reaching hands to receive it. The whole Assembly stands in expectant adoration and then comes the dramatic moment when Sanat Kumara projects by his own life energy the Thought Form for 1954, which stands in the atmosphere directly in front of him. Every eye of the assembly is upon him where he stands visible to all at the circular Altar and when he raises his hand, every member present draws forth from his own life energy a similar expression, symbolic of their united efforts for the coming year. For the Year 1954, the Thought Form is…  

THE DIAMOND HEART… representative of the Beloved Co-Sponsors for the New Year... the Beloved Master Morya and the Beloved Mother Mary. 

It is a magnificent sight to see the hundreds of thousands of these exquisite Shining Hearts stand in the atmosphere before each bright robed, reverent figure and then at a given signal they will be literally catapulted into the atmosphere and taken by angels and elementals into the auras and receptive consciousnesses of unascended mankind. 

To you, Lord Michael, Great Being, who has rendered such transcendent service to our earth; to you, Blessed Micah and to you, Beloved Spirit of 1953. To you, great Morya and to you, Beloved Mary, friend of my Heart and to you, Beloved Spirit of 1954, year of opportunity, when each of my beloved chelas may write across your pages his or her own Victory... I give my Love... and to you, my children, as you acknowledge the Flame within your hearts, accept the sweetest blessings from one who but lives to Love you Free.

Saint Germain 

Children of My Heart: 

As we sat, my beloved and I, enjoying together your loving Christmas and New Year Wishes for our Celestial Happiness, it made us so happy that the human veil, through your receptive consciousness has been sufficiently rent that conscious communication between your realm and ours has become a tangible fact. We love and thank and bless you, each one.


(*News: Lord Michael has secured a dispensation whereby the members of your immediate families are not required to re-embody, but will be permitted to complete their life work in the octaves of Light.        Saint Germain)




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