Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 19                                                                                             August 8, 1954


Beloved Ones: 

We are studying today the Law of energy and vibration. The Electronic Body and the Christ Self of each of you emit a beautiful radiance which fills the inner ethers with beauty and with harmony. The Unfed Flame within your physical hearts has been the magnet which has drawn the Spirit of Freedom, ensouled in the Presence of Saint Germain, from cosmic heights. He has chosen to bring the song of Freedom into the atmosphere of earth, bringing into harmony the outer bodies of the people now inhabiting it as well as those who are to come here in the future. 

An Ascended Being can, in this manner, pass through the physical, emotional and etheric bodies of all mankind a vibratory action which changes the dissonance of their lifestreams into a more harmonious expression. It is as if you had a large symphony orchestra, with no conductor, each man playing his own tune to his own time, without any recognition or interest in the other members of the group. The resulting discord and chaos would pollute the atmosphere and create great distress to the forces of the elements as well as to the physical ears of all who heard the rendition. 

Then a conductor would rise and tapping his baton, draw the attention of the group, unifying them as to time and the selection of the piece and behold, the same orchestra, under the direction of such a conductor would fill the atmosphere and all who heard it with harmonious sound. Such a conductor is the Master Saint Germain, and his cosmic training will enable him to bring harmony and balance through the individual lifestreams of the great orchestra made up of the billions of souls belonging to this planet. 

Each of your lifestreams has an individual note and tune through which the cosmic waves flow. If the outer self would cooperate with the great inner Self, you would be able to render a tremendous service because then the unascended body would be a natural conductor for Saint Germain's cosmic note of freedom. 

Many people feel that they have nothing to live for, that they have no reason for being, but if they would accept the privilege of being a harmonious conductor of the Flame of Freedom to the peoples of the earth they would be rendering a tremendous service to their fellow men as well as the planet. 

Many people say they have not time to devote to altruistic endeavors or even to spread a little light and sunshine on the darkened souls of those they meet in the course of their daily lives. They will tell you that their immediate families or their individual interests take all their energies. In this regard, the Master Jesus admonished his hearers to "render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's." We must not neglect the service to God through over attentiveness to our families and friends. Your incidental family life is of no importance in the heavenly scheme of things. You, each one, have had millions of such experiences and your families, in turn, have had the same, but with the conscious knowledge of the law and the realization of the service you can render to life, especially at this crucial time of the earth's history, you will not be held guiltless before life if you do not attempt consciously to become a harmonious expression of your own Holy Christ Self and render what assistance you can in bringing freedom to the earth and her people. 

Beloved Children, let me warn you not to neglect your own soul in your service to the world.

Love and Blessings,









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