Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 18                                                                                                           July 26, 1953


Report by the Beloved Saint Germain on the activities in the Transylvanian retreat about half an hour before Transmission of Flame, July 18, 1953 

Tonight, Beloved ones, is an Anniversary... one that I can celebrate with particular personal happiness - for this magnificent activity, brought to such full fruition... particularly when the curtain had all but closed upon my humble endeavors through the past twenty years. 

Transylvania tonight is a beautiful sight as we look at it from the inner standpoint. It is not a large State at most, and from border to border it is ablaze with deep purple fire - Devas and Angels and Elementals clothed in every hue of the Violet Ray are bathing in this tremendous aura of pulsating Violet Flame, and from the Heart of the Sun a Directed Ray of the most intense Purple Fire that has ever touched the earth in anchored through the Focus of the Freedom Flame, which it has been my privilege and honor to guard for many centuries. 

The Freedom Flame itself burns upon the altar, and the Beloved Brothers and Sisters have decorated the entire assembly room in Maltese Crosses made up of exquisite floral offerings representative of the various countries from whence they came. Each has followed the pattern of my own electronic Light Pattern, but the flowers symbolize the location of the Retreat or Sanctuary from whence the Brothers and Sisters have joyously come to offer the energy of their Life this night... and I shall always remember the beauty of this kind expression of their Love: 

As we go into action in the drawing of the concentrated power of God Freedom into this mighty Flame, and as we then direct it through the channels which already been opened and established, we are going to endeavor to create around every student unascended a similar Cross, larger than the physical body, made up of the actual substance of this Concentrated Flame which has become the atmosphere of Transylvania tonight! 

The vibratory action of this prepared Cross will be much more rapid than the natural vibration of the physical and inner bodies of the students, and should enable them to breathe in the Flame with greater ease and absorb it into the inner bodies with much less difficulty. 

As I am speaking with you now, the Beloved Serapis is taking his place before the rostrum, and it is his great joy to ask the Brothers and Sisters of the Ascension to create out of their thought forms this great Maltese Cross before the entire assembly... the Ascension Brotherhood is particularly noted for its power of concentrating thought force and invoking the Universal Light to fill it and condense its vibratory action until it is visible to even the physical sight of unascended mankind. 

As I am watching the proceedings, we see this great Cross taking form. It is well over one hundred feet high, and very clearly distinguishable, as its periphery seems to be made of a silver substance, which clearly defines it from the Violet in the atmosphere. Then we witness the drawing of the Violet Fire from the atmosphere into that Cross, condensing it just as you would fill a mold with a particular substance. As this is completed the Brothers of the Ascension then relinquish their place to the great Angel Devas of Ceremony, who now, under the direction of the Archangel Raphael, are stepping within this Cross and greatly expanding it in size, and it is beginning to pulsate with the motion of their own heartbeat. Raphael, I know from my own feelings, is preparing them now to carry the replicas of this original Cross into the Sanctuaries particularly, and into the auras of the students. 

From the Higher Atmosphere more and more of these Devas and Angelic Beings come, and they are drawn just as the moth is drawn to the Flame into this great Cross until it becomes deeper and deeper in color, larger and larger in periphery, and more radiant in its pulsation, which is so rapid now that you can scarce distinguish it in their outbreath of that Flame. 

The great Freedom Flame is also expanding and flowing into the Cross, which becomes now as large as the entire European Continent, and yet the signal has not been given for them to step forth from it - they are still concentrating and drawing more Beings into it from the four corners of the earth.... this activity is a surprise to me, and a Gift of Love to my Lifestream as well as yours. I trust as it takes place that you may enjoy contributing your energies to the intensification of the form. 

This Great Cross still grows, until it extends well into the Asiatic Continent, and down into Africa, and I must soon enter into the Heart of the Flame. I had hoped that they would start the expansion while I was still speaking with you, so that you might enjoy Beloved Raphael, in answer to my request, now raises his hands, and as they are lowered you can almost hear the burst of music as the Angel Devas pass out from that Flame everyone of them carrying an exquisite Maltese Cross of blazing Light. The great Devas carrying some as large as a city, and there are smaller Devas and Angels who are carrying little Crosses no larger than an eight-inch ball. 

Let us follow them now as they swing outward... you can hear the song of the Freedom Flame and the rhythm of their motion. They go instantly into the Sanctuaries and wherever there is an activity established, the Cross is as large as the city, and the Deva who carries it settles it down like a plate in a parallel form over the entire city, and the heart of the Cross stands over the Leader of the group. Where there are only isolated members, the Cross is always larger than the room in which the activity is held, and the Deva holding that then calls to the local Angelic Kingdom... and they are coming and creating little Crosses around the individuals for they love to work with substance. So here now before the beginning of our great service, if you were to stand in the atmosphere a mile above the surface of the earth, it would be like looking down at a garden of beautiful Maltese Crosses which look a little like pansies... looking down from above... and in the center you find the student body in the various countries, each group preparing now for the drawing of the Freedom Flame, and, because it is my office, I must address my people, so I leave you with this visualization... if you will hold it for a few moments until we commence the action of the Flame, I am sure you will feel the Power that is within it tonight.


Report of Activities of Transmission of the Flame by the Lord Maha Chohan July 23, 1953 

I stood in the atmosphere of earth last Saturday evening, and looking through the murky folds of her aura, I witnessed the beautiful open flowers of the Ascended Masters Retreats and Ancient Sanctuaries, shining like celestial Jewels, the heart center of each made up of Beautiful God Beings who had offered to take the responsibility of becoming Transmitters of the Flame of Freedom until enough of unascended mankind might accept this opportunity and draw into themselves the responsibility for establishing and sustaining such Transmission Stations themselves. One day there will be permanently established at strategic locations all over the earth, these foci of the God Power in which unascended beings will have earned the right to guard the focused Flame which comes only when the Law sees that such Flame will be rhythmically, systematically, reverently and constantly guarded. This will be the Era of the Age of Freedom, and those Flames of Hope - Peace - Healing - Supply - Illumination - will be the Source at which each Spirit may receive the personal impetus to develop and mature through the individual lifestream. Those Flames will be the BALANCE holding the Golden Age of the Master Saint Germain as the PERMANENT, ETERNAL AGE OF PERFECTION for the planet and in this small beginning, we see responding those who have - throughout the centuries - drawn, guarded and wielded this Flame for the protection and illumination of the Civilization in which they lived. 

I witnessed, besides the Shining Immortal Glory of the Established Retreats, the open flowers of the Sanctuaries and Rooms where some lifestreams had responded to the impetus of this New Era and had through the love of their hearts drawn around themselves other devotees of the Flame, writing on the book of Akasha the solemn words: 'The Guardians of the Flame of God again are ready to apply to the THRONE for the direction of that Flame into the atmosphere of earth - visible and tangible to the physical sight of all mankind, and unto this end we offer ourselves - our breath - our life - our being:" It has taken twelve months for that sentence to be written, and the Silent Watcher himself drew the energies of the breath of each lifestream who has participated in even one Transmission class into the focused Pen of Light with which he wrote those Sacred Words which represent a Spiritual Milestone in the evolution of our planet - and because of our planet's debt to the solar system - a milestone in Universal Progress as well. 

The establishment of the Transmission Centers is the beginning of that preparation for the focused Rays from the Beings in the Heart of the Sun, which through qualified students may become the Master Control of the energy and atmosphere and lifestreams that are within the compass of its sphere of Influence. 

The very breath of the students forms an electrical forcefield - the substance qualified by their own consciousness - which is as large or as small as the collective group's endeavors make possible. This forcefield has been made permanent, even when the group is not in session, and can be used as a "conductor" of particular Rays of Protective Energy which the Masters will, from time to time, choose to direct into the locality where such sanctuaries and Sanctified homes are established. Conscious acknowledgement of the forcefield, and conscious feeding of it by a few minutes of cooperative breathing at each class would greatly increase it in size and strength, for those desiring to cooperate in this service. 

When this forcefield signifies to the Law that it is strong enough, powerful enough and permanent enough to warrant the establishment of some quality of the Sacred Fire from the Higher Octaves through it, we shall begin the actual Ritual, of the Descent of the Flaming Virtues and Qualities which are the Nature of God - in one locality the Focus may be of Healing, in another of Peace, in another of illumination! The sensitive will easily discern from this time on the particular quality which is to be the Radiation of that group or where individuals are unable to join together that individual through his home as well as his heart. The Great Foci, however, will be established where there are sufficient numbers to warrant the investment of the Flame except in those exceptional cases where the Priest or Priestess has the Cosmic Momentum of Centuries of such service in the Temples of the Ages when the Flame was the manifest expression of "God with us." 

The first year, the endeavor was to interest lifestreams in the fact that, each thirty days, the Brotherhood focused their love and attention upon one Retreat and amplified the Quality and Power of that Retreat for the blessing of the evolution of which they are the guardians. 

The second year, the endeavor will be to prepare individually and collectively, those who have voluntarily joined this particular Activity, so that the forcefield of their local endeavors may quickly transmit the Flames of God, just as the Retreats do at present. This requires the purification of each unit, the harmonization of each one’s inner bodies, and the balanced control of the breath through personal daily application so that the collective endeavors each month may benefit by such personal application, study, training and proficiency.... 

As the beautiful Maltese Crosses were established, which description our Beloved Saint Germain has given you, he gave the first wave of this Qualified Power of Freedom through the focus of his own Electrons, represented by that Cross.... his added Cosmic Impetus is now permanently established in the aura and world of each one who participated on the evening of July 18th and it is a rhythmic notion, just like a sea tide, that sweeps the Freedom Flame through the inner bodies on a beat that takes about one minute. Each time it flows it dis-lodges some of the accumulations in the inner and physical bodies, and this will continue permanently aside from the personal application in the use of the Violet Flame, etc. 

In a similar manner, through the forcefields around the Sanctuaries and homes, the rhythm has been set up and it flows through the cities, towns and villages where unascended beings abide, who have participated in this activity and thus magnetized that Flame.. 

People do not yet understand what a service they may render the environment in which they live by participating in Cosmic Activities which allow us to focus and sustain the blessings of those Cosmic Outpourings only when a conscious lifestream has magnetized the blessing through conscious cooperation with the endeavor. 

May you proceed through the new year - children of God - in constant remembrance that you are now preparing to become the Guardians, in outer physical action, of those Activities of the Sacred Fire which have not been manifest on this earth in any ago - but which form the nucleus of the Fire Temples around the physical sun. Let your every breath, your every thought, your every feeling and action be concentrated to that individual preparation which you have signified your willingness to engage in by your presence in the Transmission Class and your interest in its service to the earth... most of which has not yet been revealed unto you.

Love and Blessing,