The Shamballa Letter 

VOLUME 18, Number 49                                                                                                                         December 3, 2001


Beloved chelas, 

Let me begin the letters this month by asking if you have written your personal petition to the Karmic Board yet? Have you even thought about this very important activity needed for your personal spiritual progress and that of the planet Earth? Hopefully each of you who receive my words has already done so. If not, I encourage you to do so now as the writing of your petition will assist greatly in preparing for the energies of next year. 

As a chela and light worker you have a wonderful opportunity to submit your own petition for the highest good of all concerned which will both benefit and assist the world and all life upon it in moving forward. But, as you well know, along with this privilege comes a tremendous responsibility; that of utilizing your own personal energies to bring this goodness forth. 

As you sit quietly for a few moments and reflect upon what has taken place this year, I believe one item will immediately come to mind which you never expected would require your attention. The thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions you have felt and observed throughout your planet especially since September 11th needs your consideration beloved ones. The mitigation of the negativity which was created and is still expanding must be dealt with at all levels and you our chelas have an especially important role to play because of the knowledge you carry. 

Mercy, comfort, purification, forgiveness, healing, unification and justice will be among the most important divine qualities you will be working with next year, not only for yourself but for all your sisters and brothers in the human family. It is for this reason that I believe the Thoughtform and the Theme for this year are so important. May I suggest that you find some way to incorporate and continue working with them next year, perhaps as a visualization or decree. 

You may not feel your one petition can change the world but believe me, beloved ones, it can and it will! 

Your brother in the Light,







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