Maintaining Peace in Your Lives

April 4, 1999

Dearly Beloved of God,  


Since last we spoke, have you been able to define and find peace in your lives? I know for a fact, that those of you sitting before me this morning have had many opportunities in your daily activities to 'hold the peace' but have you been able to sustain an aura of peace around you so that others are able to receive this very real and tangible blessing. Please be aware, as we rapidly approach the end of this century, the gift of peace is becoming such an important and necessary quality to integrate into your beings and worlds. And if you are unable to do so, you may find the next several decades very difficult to endure.


You ask why is this so? How can I find this peace that you so often speak of? Beloved ones, this divine quality, of which I AM so privileged to embody, is not so illusive as you might think. For as it is with all of God's great divine gifts, peace is already within you! To find peace in your lives it must, I repeat, must, begin with you beloved ones! First and foremost, you must allow yourself to have peace in your lives, by inviting this great gift to come forth and then consciously creating the space in which it can. You must become still enough to feel and experience the peace of our Father-Mother God. You must also then be strong enough to hold God's Peace, no matter what is taking place within or around you.  

Since the Ray of Peace and all of its attendant gifts are coming to the fore as a predominate force on this planet, I say again, Have you actively searched for ways to bring this, one of God's greatest gifts to humanity, into your lives? Have you sought out time in your daily or at least weekly activities, to relax and to deviate from your very full and perhaps burdensome schedule of work and play? Do you take time when you pause for a moment and becoming still, consciously choosing what it is you really need in your life, instead of looking at the schedule you created some time before that really has nothing to do with what is taking place in your life right now?  

It might be nothing more than sitting down in your favorite easy chair, a good book in one hand and a cup of something warm and comforting to drink in the other. Or could it be a solitary walk in the woods or along a sandy beach, to enjoy nature, which quiets your mind and stills your emotions. Perhaps it is the loving company of a treasured friend or loved one, who allows you to take the pressure of daily life and put it on hold for a little while that brings you the greatest comfort. Or could it be that very special time when you enter a period of quiet mediation where, surrounded by gentle music, that still small voice within, guides you a little further on your inner journey, which allows my gift of life to expand within you.

Things such as these are so important beloved ones! They are just as important to your life, if not more so, as that well-paying and hopefully well-loved job, a harmonious and comfortable home, and many friends and family members around you. In fact these moments of peace, serenity and quietude are becoming even more necessary in the busy, hectic and stressful lives you have created for yourselves. It shall only be by including activities such as these in your life that you will find the perfect peace of your Father-Mother God.  

Take for example, the evening my Temple was officially open this month, when a silent mediation was held in the Main Sanctuary of our beloved Shamballa. No words were spoken. In fact there was very little interaction on the physical plane between the chelas present, but those of you who were in attendance know the peace that filled this sacred and holy space was truly profound! All that you required was the space in which to find it!  

In addition the great Lady of Heaven, Donna Grace, joined in the evening’s activities, expanding the gift of peace by the magnificent spirit of grace she embodies. She did this not only through her words of love but the very essence of her being by sharing her divine beauty, holiness and mercy as well. For last Monday evening she once again offered to hold each and every one of you gently and lovingly in the palm of her hand, until the immaculate pink rose of your true being blooms fully.  

It is upon moments such as these that the focus of your attention must now be placed, beloved ones. For as has been said many times, by many great beings of light, both ascended and unascended: "Where your attention is, there you are!"  

Take for example the current fear and distress that is spreading throughout your planet concerning the coming of the year 2000. In many of your magazines, books, newscasts and casual conversation, one of the primary topics has to do with how the computers will handle the unusual date change and what it will mean to the world. Once again I say to Where you attention is, there you are!  

Beloved ones, you will always draw unto yourself whatever the focus of your attention is. It is one thing to prepare for coming events but please realize there is a very fine line between preparation and creation, or worse mis-creation! I repeat: It is one thing to prepare for coming events but there is a very fine line between preparation and creation, or worse yet, mis-creation!  

Humankind is quickly coming to realize that they have become too dependent upon computers. However, the fact that the people of Earth are strong, wise, creative, inventive and adaptable lifeforms, says so much more to me. Trust the Power of God within you and in all your sisters and brothers in the Human Family. The knowledge of how to correct the problems and the understanding of why this happened will come beloved ones. It is up to each of you to go within and ask. Without fear and without emotion, center yourselves and ask your beautiful, all-knowing, all-loving I AM Presence what you should do to prepare for the rapidly approaching events of the near future which may or may not come to pass.  

There is so much more to teach and so many more divine principles to share, especially concerning the Laws of Precipitation and Spiritual Preparation but I believe I shall now draw my message to a close this morning. However, I will leave you with the following questions to ponder during the next several weeks. It is my hope that you will take some time to go within and discover the answers to these three very simple questions: What do you believe our Father-Mother God truly wants for you? What do you believe our Father- Mother God wants for Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom? What do you believe our Father-Mother God wants for your sisters and brothers in the Human Family and the entire planet Earth?

Thank you for your attention this morning.

I AM Tranquility,

Elohim of Peace







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