I Believe

April 1, 1999


My beloved chelas,


How often have you felt my Presence with you, since the beginning of this year? I have entered your auras and worlds many, many times. Not only am I serving with my beloved Uriel, (He is the Archangel of the 6th Ray of Peace and Ministration) as one of the sponsors of this year, but due to the unique nature of this time on Earth, I have offered my energies in the capacity of Silent Watcher for each and every chela and lightworker on this planet. It is for this reason that my Temple is open throughout this entire twelve month period. If need be, I assure you it shall remain open well into the twenty-first century.


This evening, I have come to offer a loving suggestion concerning your ongoing spiritual preparation. I have come to remind you of something very important, that is often overlooked by most chelas. In the front of each decree book, there are seven tenets or truths called the Declaration of Faith and I do not speak of the decree you will find later on in the book.

How many of you have done more than given these words anything more than a passing glance? How many of you have taken even a few minutes to look these principles over, consider the meaning of each statement, then quickly moved on, without deeply studying the divine truth contained within? This evening, we shall take a little time, for as chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, these words should already be an integral part of your being. Throughout this conference and afterward, ponder these beautiful words at your leisure. Go within and ask for further clarification concerning their meaning. These are words that you should instantly be able to explain to anyone who asks! Let us now begin!  

I BELIEVE in the Universal I AM Presence, which is the Source of all life, and the very essence of divine love, God in Action, everywhere present. This simply states, chelas of this Activity believe in the concept of the ONE GOD.

I BELIEVE in the individualized I AM Presence of God, acting through the Holy Christ Self, focused within every human heart, through which the Will of God can manifest in the world of form. Building upon the first statement, this ONE GOD IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING on Earth, whether he or she is consciously aware of this fact or not.

I BELIEVE in the Immortal Threefold Flame of Life, the perfect balance of love, wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, which is the animating principle of all self-conscious intelligence and anchored in every human heart. This, beloved ones, is a loving reminder that THE TRINITY, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is an important aspect of our teachings, just as it is in so many orthodox religions.

I BELIEVE in the Universal Fatherhood and Motherhood of God, the Universal Brotherhood of Man and in the fellowship and conscious communion with the Great Host of Ascended Masters (and other great beings of Light) who comprise the Great White Brotherhood. This particular tenet is a little more complicated. It refers first, to the DUALITY OF LIFE, the masculine and feminine aspect in each individual, the struggle within and between the qualities of love and power.  

As is usually the case, one aspect of self is often more predominate than the other in you, but since you have each lived many lives, you have had many opportunities to balance the male and female energies within you. This statement also goes back to the ONENESS OF ALL LIFE. God being the governing force on this planet! Also, within this oneness, each individual is able to communicate with another, whether they are ascended or unascended. This can be done, especially into the Higher Realms, without an intermediary, such as a minister, priest, rabbi, or other spiritual leader, when each person is firmly centered within I AM Consciousness, and speak to and from that sacred space. This communication can only be maintained, if you are centered, focused, and your motives are pure. Otherwise the connection, if not entirely severed, will be minimal and incomplete at best.

I BELIEVE in the eternal forgiveness and forgetfulness, through divine love and mercy, of all human transgressions against the Law of Life, the purification of the soul through the conscious use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and all other purifying activities of the Sacred Fire. Of course, this is the divine LAW OF FORGIVENESS, so lovingly given to you by beloved Micah, during his embodiment as Jesus the Christ. This is also, a reminder to each one of you, to constantly use the greatest blessing of the next two thousand year period, the GIFT THE VIOLET FIRE, to keep your lower vehicles pure and your vision held high.

I BELIEVE in the ASCENSION in the Light, in full Christ Perfection through self-conscious mastery by divine love, of all substance and energy used in thought, feeling, spoken word and deed. This is the fulfillment of the Divine Plan and the reason for my being. These two wonderful statements fully define WHY YOU HAVE EMBODIED ON THIS EARTH.

I BELIEVE in life everlasting through this Ascension in the Light of God that is Eternally Victorious! Combining this principle with the previous one, you have fully explained that EACH PERSON IS ON A DIVINE JOURNEY, or a spiritual quest, which will ultimately lead him or her full circle, fully reuniting at all levels of consciousness and being with our Father-Mother God.

These very simple but very powerful words are important for you to know and understand, beloved ones. If during the process of purification, transmutation, and spiritual preparation, that you are currently undergoing, you are unable to look at the cause and core of some distress in your life, then by my gift to life, by the Grace of God, you shall be cleansed, healed, and raised! Remember, beloved ones, that by the Grace of God, you descended to this Earth. In a State of Grace you shall remain. And through the Gift of Grace, you will all ascend back into the Heart of our Father- Mother God one day! Until that moment, I shall enfold you, each one, with all the love of my being.  

Lady Donna Grace

Divine Complement of Archangel Uriel.




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