The Old  and New Year

As the old year closes, the sins, mistakes and failures of that year are bathed in the Flame of Mercy and Forgiveness and cut from each soul by the Lords of Karma in order that the soul may enter the new year free of the fetters created by its own error and in such a manner have a greater opportunity for progress, unfoldment and spiritual illumination.


If the outer consciousness cooperates with this spiritual freedom and offers their lifestream to the Ascended Host there can be a greater forward step in the transmutation of their nature. But if the outer consciousness insists upon holding to the memories of the past, such memories are drawn over the threshold of the old year into the new and form a pattern of the new year's experience again. This is the choice of each individual.


The new year represents another opportunity for each soul and spirit to ride upon the Cosmic Tide higher into the Heart of Heaven, placing the years that have gone before into the cosmic incinerator of forgiveness and forgetfulness. If, this new year, you could seize upon the purification that has affected your entire inner nature and try to live in the new year as if there had never been an old, the limitations and evils would drop away because they are not eternal and only the good from the past year would endure and become a mantle of fragrance around you.

Maha Chohan






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