Thoughtforms as a Tool of Creation

Elohim Arcturus

Spring Conference,

April 10, 1998

My beloved co-servers,


The theme for this Conference is 'Transformation Through Focused Service'. What beloved ones, does this mean, especially in conjunction with this Activity of Light? Let us first define several of the words. Transformation is the result of a major change in form, nature or function in someone or something. When you provide a service you often contribute to the welfare of others. But in the case of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, an additional definition could be: a specific form of religious observation that one engages in. Add the word focus, which means to concentrate or converge and you will quickly understand why we have come together at this time. In fact, why we come together at any time!  

Everyone, both ascended and unascended lifestreams, are here to concentrate our energies. Then through the particular form of worship you participate in, continue to transform yourselves, so that Shamballa is able to become the perfect heartcenter for this planet. In this way you can be of benefit to each person in this room, the other members of your human family, the Earth and all life upon it. And what is it that makes this theme so efficacious? It is the divine quality which I embody, that of rhythmic invocation!  

Throughout this process, I find that you often wonder why our Divine Complements do not seem to receive much recognition with regard to the accomplishments of the Elohim. It is because we are so closely connected and our energies so intertwined, that there really is no way of separating us. Over time people have fallen into the habit of using my name but please be aware, that whether you call upon me or my beloved Lady Diana, we both will respond.  

An example of our almost inseparable union, I would like to share with you how the feminine aspect of our partnership provides a service to life, that is based upon the quality of divine love, and how this relate to the gift of rhythmic application. It is the great love we, my beloved and I, constantly hold for all creation and rhythmically send out, that is part of our gift to all life everywhere. As you are becoming aware, rhythm used in any manifestation, assists greatly in creating the space necessary to bring whatever you desire into its physical form. You can will to do something, but if you do not keep your loving attention upon it, you could quite easily loose your focus. Also please remember, every time you visualize that which you wish to create, you bring it that much closer to reality.  

Love as you know, is the cohesive power that brings together everything required to establish form. In other words, love keeps the energy moving. Rhythm of application always requires the blessings of love to assist in keeping your mind and feelings pure, to hold the perfect concept of what you wish to manifest without deviation of any kind.  

With the quality of concentration, once again, it is rhythm enfolded in divine love that keeps you focused. Through your love of self and others, the quality of peace is often brought into a situation. However, in order to keep the peace, you must always call upon rhythm of application for it to be sustained. Can you see how important our Seventh Ray quality is to any creation?  

While we are together, let us take a few moments to create a very simple thoughtform. As we do, observe how the Seven Steps of Precipitation now work more perfectly, as the gifts and blessings of the Eighth Ray are added to this process, by our unity and oneness of service. Breathe in deeply beloved ones, and prepare to assist in this wonderful manifestation.  

Rising high into the atmosphere above the property of Shamballa is a mighty fountain of Violet Fire. Above the apex of this fountain is an amethyst Maltese Cross, radiating rays of Violet Light into the planet Earth. The magnificent Presence of our beloved Master Saint Germain stands above this sacred symbol of love. Above him now see the luminous form of the Amida Buddha, who sends a ray of all encompassing light from his heart center to yours.  

As the Violet Fire substance of the fountain cascades back to Earth, it flows outward in ever-expanding circles of purified energy. With your every breath, this powerful pool of liquid light substance continues to move out from Shamballa, until it covers the planet and all life evolving upon it. Now see and feel the energies of your heart center, flowing into this ever expanding fountain of love, feeding it and enhancing its power to transmute and purify the Earth and her evolutions, now and forever ... It is done!  

Did you see this sacred process in action as I spoke dear chelas? Did you recognize your divine abilities as they came to the fore, assisting in the creation of this physical manifestation? Did you feel the importance of the collective contribution to this creation? If not, I encourage you to use this very simple exercise again, and again if necessary, to assist in becoming more adept in your ability to co-create with our Father-Mother God.  

On the last day of this conference, beloved Lord Shri Magra will ask you in the name of the Seven Mighty Elohim, with the Seven Chohans at your sides, and the great Archangels filling this Sanctuary, to dedicate yourselves to the ongoing manifestation of the ever changing, and ever increasing levels, this Activity of Light must and will attain. At that time, he shall use words similar to those beloved El Morya used with the original founders of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom's corporate entity, so you can see what they had to work with and experience the thoughtform that was created then. I would like to warn you, this invocation is not to be taken lightly, for it commands great power and requires tremendous responsibility on your part. Be aware your motive must be pure and this energy may not be misused, so think before you pronounce these words.  

I will however share the following with you. Back in the time when this world was merely a twinkle in the eyes of our Godparents, seven mighty beings of light came together for one reason, to create the supreme jewel in the crown of adoration to God this universe is. They took their responsibility to heart and joyously came together, each bringing their individual gifts to life, to assist in this endeavor. As I look about this room this morning, I see sitting before me many magnificent beings of Light.  

If we could create a planet, then I AM sure you can easily bring into physical manifestation, the future of this Activity of Light. Following in our footsteps, using the Seven Steps of Precipitation, remember your service will now be enfolded in the additional qualities of unity, brotherhood and cooperation, to bring this endeavor ever closer to fruition.


Elohim of the Seventh Ray



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