Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

July 1997

 The Temple of Unity within the Palace of Man's Purpose

Electronic Pattern: Visualize beloved Micah, Archangel of God's magnificent Eighth Ray, descending toward the Earth from the atmosphere above, his arms outstretched in loving recognition. He has come to remind us of everything we have forgotten that we must now incorporate in our lives. All chelas around the planet open their hearts to this great being of light, as he shows us how to part and fully dissolve the Veils of Maya. As this takes place we finally see and fully perceive the reality of our true being and that of all our beloved brothers and sisters in the Human Family. We now understand why we came to Earth: to create, manifest, sustain and maintain a consciousness of perfect peace and a joy for life within, unlike anything we have ever known before; and we look forward with great anticipation to every opportunity to serve the light of God that is eternally victorious!

(Beloved ones, many beautiful excerpts from several previously published discourses from Micah are included in the following visualization, so there will not be a formal discourse from the Master of the month.)

Taking time out from the hustle and bustle of daily life you find a quiet place to sit and meditate. As you quiet your mind and center yourself all previous boundaries of time and space no longer exist. Simultaneously your past, present and future have become accessible to you and very quickly you see your entire divine blueprint laid out before you. You are filled with joy and happiness at all the possibilities that reveal themselves to you now. For just a moment, the perfection of your being takes your breath away as all the secrets of the universe are shown to you and the light of your I AM Presence fills your being.

Suddenly you see the figures of a man and a woman taking form within the golden light that now surrounds you. They raise their right hands in loving recognition, and as they come closer, immediately you recognize beloved El Morya and Lady Miriam. Walking between them is the mighty bear. You may remember her, beloved one. This majestic member of the animal kingdom sacrificed her physical life and that of her cub so her powerful life energy could be given to Shamballa and all the chelas during the conference in Lake Louise.

See how she has come to you again! Having chosen a long, long time ago to join you on your spiritual journey she is never very far away even if you are not aware of her presence. As she now stands next to you, you run your hand over her muscular body and the softness of her thick coat brings you strength, peace and comfort. Bending down, you put your arms around her massive neck and as you do, you feel something there. Looking closer, you observe that she wears a crystalline diamond heart, the symbol of our beloved El Morya. You listen to the strong, steady, pure breath of life enter and leave her body. The clean, clear smell of the pine forest also returns and fills your aura and you breathe in deeply.  

Beloved El Morya and Lady Miriam now beckon you to follow them through the ethers and quickly standing up you follow them with your elemental friend in tow. After a time you come to the simple entrance of a homemade tent made of many large pieces of various fabrics, not unlike the kind you would find throughout the deserts of the Middle East. Lifting the flap you enter this simple and humble abode. Magnificent rugs with far eastern designs cover the floor and piles of cushions of all sizes, colors and shapes line the perimeter of this space. Looking around you recognize a friend from ages past sitting in the farthest corner of the room, happily conversing with a small group of people.

He looks up, and as your eyes meet, you become one in consciousness. You had thought you had forgotten the depth of the love contained within his magnificent eyes but with just one look the memories of days long past, flood your being and tears of joy begin to well up in your eyes. Once again you stand within the radiant presence of beloved Jesus. He rises from the cushions and rushes forward to greet you. Afterwards he invites you to join his daily discussion group and quickly finding a seat, you listen intently to his words.

One of the most important facets of my incarnation as Jesus is that, although I came as an avatar, the success or failure of my mission was very much dependent upon the presence of Mary, Joseph, my disciples, and many other key individuals who were in embodiment to assist me at that time. As Mary has told you, we were―in all ways―an ordinary family and group of human beings, just as you are. We may have had the advantage of a more highly developed spiritual consciousness to draw from, but if any one of us had forgotten to draw upon this consciousness, my mission at that time in Earth's evolution would have been doomed to failure.

During the time of my embodiment on Earth as Jesus, everything was brought into outer manifestation for all to see. With every road on the path to mastery, there is a Palm Sunday. There is a trial, a crucifixion, a resurrection and ascension. As a chela of the Ascended Masters you must take care to consciously resurrect the inner Christ and not call for the release of Barabbas! You must each be ever watchful and pray constantly. Be ready always when the soldiers come to take you captive¾for, beloved ones, all of this truly is within you.

The soldiers, the multitude of onlookers―whether they throw down palm fronds and sing hosannas, or cry: 'give us Barabbas,' they too are also within you. Even Pontias Pilate, who washes his hands of you and turns you over to your accusers, or Judas, who seems to betray you with a kiss, may not be what they appear to be.

Judas is the one who comes to start the process. He is the activator and the kiss with which he betrays you is really the cup of higher consciousness being offered to you. You may choose, at any point on your path, to remain behind the Veils of Maya, or to drink from that cup and receive release into the full light of your God Presence. Beloved ones, even Barabbas may be a blessing, for when finally recognized¾you can just let him die, and along with him every atom of your human ego, still out of control.

There is a saying in the Holy Book which is often quoted: "Many are called―but few are chosen." I wish to tell you today that there is an extremely important misinterpretation in the translation of this statement. It should have read: "All are called―but very few choose!" You, our beloved chelas, have been called and your choice is shown by your presence here today. And if you will allow me, I shall assist you in fully manifesting the fullness of your Holy Christ Self in all your glory at this time.

Before my ascension in the Light as Jesus, I told my disciples that the Holy Spirit would come to be with them after I left the physical plane. Today, as Micah, I come to unify your consciousness as one chalice of light, prepared to receive the full descent of Holy Spirit into your beings and worlds. You are here to also manifest the Christ upon the Earth in this New Age, and it is through your combined chalice of consciousness that the gifts of the Holy Spirit shall be poured forth to all your brothers and sisters in the Human Family, with ever-increasing momentum.

As Jesus, I also brought the Word of God to Earth and gave it to my disciples. Through the word they were purified and the seed of the Christ was awakened within the threefold flames of their hearts, where it took root and began to grow. This growth continued as they worked with me, observing and assisting, as they were taught how to outpicture the Christ Self from within, through our many experiences together. As we walked together from town to town they were not merely watching, but to the best of their abilities and understanding at that time, actively involved in my work. Sometimes they were not fully successful and when this happened, they asked me why their efforts did not work, thus opening the door to further teachings. In this way, I was able to bring to them many of the points of Cosmic Law you are now learning. I tell you this so you will realize that all spiritual growth requires active participation on the part of each person involved. As you begin to understand the Cosmic Laws and how they work, you must strive to remember and also apply them in your everyday life and relationships. Otherwise all your spiritual understanding will remain in the etheric, mental, and emotional realms, unable to manifest in the world of form.

The coming of the Holy Spirit heralded the manifestation of the Christ in and through the disciples, for at that moment, they began to speak the truth in many languages with such power and joy that a multitude gathered to hear. Each person heard the truth in their own language. Thus, through the descent of Holy Spirit into their beings, the Christ Consciousness was planted in the hearts and minds of all who heard the Word of God through them. This, beloved ones, was the activation of the Christian Age upon the Earth!

The story of the first Pentecost carries many meanings. One of these is the understanding of a statement I often made while teaching, which is: 'Let he who has ears, hear; and he who has eyes, see.' Even through the disciples spoke in many languages, there were few who heard the truth within those words at that time. However, the ability to hear and see the truth comes to each person when he is prepared to receive it. Many who were present then were mystified, but could not receive the truth. However, others heard, carried and nurtured that experience in their hearts until the time when it could be fully understood. Again, I say, many of you were among them and are now being prepared to be the disciples of the Holy Spirit in the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, and the time has come to see and hear again.

As the feminine aspect of God, the Holy Spirit is the activating principle that goes forth to awaken, nourish and bring the Christ to birth. It reveals to each person the knowledge of the Christ within their own heart, and then begins to recognize itself in others, as well. I came to establish the Christian Age through the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit came to activate the Christian Age. The disciples could not receive the Holy Spirit until after my ascension, for they could not fully hear and see the truth of Christ within themselves while they perceived it primarily as being me. The same is true for you. You cannot receive the full joy and power of Holy Spirit until you first accept the Presence of the Christ in your own heart.

Beloved ones, I AM in you and you are in me, and with the full power of unity vested in me, I now unify your consciousness with that of the Cosmic Christ. Lift the chalice of your consciousness high as I call forth the most intensified outpouring of the Cosmic Holy Spirit yet released from beloved Æolus to flow through your chalice now. Receive the gifts of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, and let them flow through you to bless all life you contact, every day of your sojourns upon the Earth! My flame of unity grows brighter and brighter with each passing day and I AM sure you are seeing its results in many areas of your lives, so that the people of this planet can finally come to recognize the importance and power of the group energy, especially when it is perfectly balanced, fully aligned and focused intently upon any single project.

Unity is now the order of the day, and the quality which is the catalyst that will bring to full fruition the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom here on Earth and, beloved ones, it must begin right here with each one of you present. Take the wisdom, glory and suggestions you have received during this time to heart and carry them safely home to share with your family members, friends and the many others you come in contact with on a regular basis.

You must begin to outpicture the divine principles of this Activity of Light, becoming the perfect example just as I did two thousand years ago. The birth of your inner Christ has taken place! You must nourish, preserve and love this sacred flame within to assist your master presence to grow to full stature for you truly are the Light of the World, my beloved brothers and sisters! As I now pass the torch of Christ Consciousness over to you, carry it high beloved ones, as it is now your responsibility to light the way for all your brothers and sisters in your human family.

Beloved one, my joy in your realization of your own divinity knows no bounds and I love, bless and thank you for your dedication and faith. Until the next opportunity to enfold you in my love and light keep in mind the affirmation beloved Lord Maitreya gave to assist you in reaching this point in your spiritual evolution where you will fully unite in Christ Consciousness with all your brothers and sisters in the One Human Family.

Jesus smiles and reaching out his hand he gently places it on your head. As he does this the words he spoke of immediately came to the forefront of your conscious mind and you began to say them as a mantra, over and over again: I AM the resurrection and the life of the perfection of my divine plan manifest in the world of form right here, right now and forever sustained! Focusing upon the truth and reality of your words slowly begin to return your consciousness to your physical location. Refreshed and renewed, take a deep breath and prepare to re-enter your earthly experiences of daily life.




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