Ceremony with the Order of the Golden Robe

It is the first day of the month and you have promised your Higher Self to visit―in your light body―the Temple of the Great White Brotherhood in the Royal Teton Mountains in Wyoming, USA. After giving your forgiveness decrees and bathing in the Violet Flame of Mercy and Transmutation, you don your Mantle of Light and enter the sacred realm of Silence.

Gently, a Chinese green flame with a golden radiance appears and envelops you. As it does, you feel that you are being lifted and taken into the higher Etheric Realms. Within an instant, you arrive at a spectacular temple complex high in the mountains. As you descend into the complex, you are joyfully greeted by a group of golden robed beings. You know that they are sisters and brothers of the Order of the Golden Robe. You return their warm welcome as you are graciously escorted into an anteroom where you are also given a golden robe to wear. Today, you have become an honorary member of the Order of the Golden Robe.  

A brother from the Order of the Golden Robe, with a Chinese green stole draped around his shoulders, bows and invites you to join him in meditation and prayer within the temple. You enter the chamber with great joy and expectation. Within this superbly appointed sanctuary, you see similarly robed brothers and sisters seated in deep meditation. Immediately you enter a powerful aura of divine silence that fills the room as you are led to a seat in the front, right-hand side of the sanctuary. Your host motions you to sit and all are seated. There is no concern about going into the Silence or remaining in revered meditation in this chamber as the very atmosphere is laden with the fruits of Silence and you slip quickly and easily into a deep and beautiful state of peace.

Suddenly there is the gentle sound of a beautiful bell which causes you to emerge from your perfect state. As you open your eyes, your host touches your elbow directing you to rise. A stately procession now moves down the center aisle to the majestic strains of Wagner's "Entrance of the God's into Valhalla."  The approaching beings are led by an honor guard of the Golden Robe followed by the magnificent Patriarch, Lord Lanto, and his many golden robed attendants.  

Next, you see your beloved friend of the ages, the Hierarch, Ascended Master Dwjal Khul, with officers of the Order following close behind him. He smiles with great love and tenderness as he raises his hand in blessing to all present. You are immediately filled with gratitude for being allowed to witness this sacred ceremony. You focus your attention and quickly become aware of the magnificent presence of this master and you feel his love enfolding you. Your eyes begin to mist as you bow deeply before this great master of wisdom. As his beautiful dark eyes meet yours, he sends to you a silent message:

"Welcome, beloved and faithful chela, and member of the Body of Light. We greet you with great joy and with all our love and constancy of attention and service. We are grateful for your presence in our temple and your faithful dedication as a 'chalice of light' throughout the ages. We welcome you with gratitude as a redeemer of life."  

Ecstatic with gratitude, you return a silent message of thanks: “Thank you, thank you, beloved master. I AM always at your service with my total attention and constancy of spirit. To you, I humbly bow.”  His very smile at your response is a blessing which you joyfully receive.

The procession stops at the altar in the front of the temple and Lord Lanto lifts his hands in praise. The members of the procession stand in a semicircle around the raised altar upon which rests a large vessel of gold, richly adorned with green emeralds and other precious stones. A Chinese green flame rises from the cup as Lord Lanto lifts his hands to the great God of our being. The members of the procession then sit on seats with green and gold cushions which have mysteriously appeared within the semicircle. Another bell sounds and all is quiet. As a mantle of great silence descends and enfolds the entire group, we rest in the living, loving light of God.  

Totally immersed within the fullness of divinity, you are unaware of how long the period of silence lasts. You do realize that the service is ending, for another gentle bell now sounds and the Patriarch, Hierarch and officers of this great temple rise and raise both their hands and voices in a song of praise. You also rise and remain standing as the recessional begins and these august beings leave in the same stately manner in which they entered.  

After their departure, your host nods to you. You follow him down the aisle and out into the courtyard surrounded by the bright, Rocky Mountain sun. He smiles, and as he does, you close your eyes and feel yourself being transported once again. You open your eyes and find that you are back in your own room from where your journey began. You breathe deeply, and silently give thanks to God realizing that your entire being is still immersed in a state of total and complete peace―the peace of God which passes the understanding of the human mind―and your only desire is to remain in this perfect state forever.


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...To follow the Flame of Illumined Wisdom you need balance in your physical, etheric, mental and emotional bodies. A man who is one-sided is limited. No matter how advanced he may appear to be, he will not reach the Shore of Ultimate Truth with such a limitation. Man needs balance between head and heart...balance between power and wisdom...balance between activity and rest. A man without such balance can enter a spiritual path, but can never proceed along it.

Lady Minerva



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