New Year Conference

Paul, the Maha Chohan

December 29, 1995

Beloved Ones,  

I welcome you with open arms, as does the entire membership of the Spiritual Hierarchy from the City of Shamballa. It is indeed a time of great rejoicing, for you have completed the First, Second, and Third Ray years of divine power, wisdom, and love, balancing the precious Three-Fold Flame within your hearts. The reality of this manifestation is shown through your efforts to be at the physical focus of Shamballa, consciously and joyously celebrating with us the incoming new year as we all prepare to enter a twelve month cycle when the Fourth Ray of the Ascension is the directing force on this planet.  

The knowledge and understanding of the many aspects of the ascension process have been pulsating in the Akashic Records for eons of time, patiently waiting for the right time to be released to the people of Earth with measured and precise breath. As each activity of light grasps one idea or principle stored therein, there also comes forth a variety of opinions of diverse nature as people analyze the information they receive. Although such diversity may lead to some confusion for the many lifestreams in search for their own divine reality, it also assists your brothers and sisters in the process of learning how to have spiritual discernment, and piercing through the veils of human creation, perceive the inherent truth embodied in each idea expressed by the many spiritual communities around this planet.  

One specific idea that has been deeply anchored in the minds of many individuals relates to the cosmic shift in energy that is expected to take place sometime in the future. As this entire planetary system ascends into the higher vibratory frequencies of mind and heart, these changes must take place one step at a time. The humanity of Earth first has to move from the third dimensional frequency into the fourth dimension. This is an ascending process of consciousness, for the third dimension relates to the lower self, how one creates and perceives the world around them, therefore mirroring their own state of consciousness.  

However, the fourth dimensional frequency is a much higher vibratory level of thought and feeling, for each individual is conscious and respectful of each other, fully integrating their uniqueness of being to create their world. Once this step is accomplished each planet in this solar system then stands forth on its own light and 'solar consciousness' fully enters the consciousness of the lifestreams on each planet.  

Even though this is a glorious goal for the people of Earth, many individuals become somewhat afraid of the many possible catastrophes that might accompany this shift in vibration. Here dwells a fundamental foundation, that of understanding the nature of God. One perceives God as he or she perceives himself. As the individual develops his relationship with their I AM Presence, their concept of God naturally evolves as well. That is one of the reasons a lifestream seeks and engages in many spiritual activities during the course of his or her life span. Gradually spiritual seekers understand the responsibility resting upon their shoulders as they accept the blessings from God for the betterment of all life. Along this path you come to realize that many of the prophecies stated by many religions are focused upon a negative nature of expression, thereby creating an illusion of being. Please understand the reason for the many changes happening at this time and do not equate them to negative activities taking place upon the planet, but to other changes occurring in humanity's inner vehicles as part of the process of purification and transmutation.  

By cosmic law each embodied lifestream will eventually manifest their memories, thoughts, and feelings on the physical plane of existence, so that they can ascend in consciousness through the lessons one experiences in this world. This fact shows the relationship between the Precipitation and Ascension Flames. Prior to embodiment the Precipitation Flame draws your soul into the physical world by precipitating your physical garment. Eventually over time you become conscious of this flame and you will come to the point in your life when you constantly work with this flame, for through every inbreath and outbreath you are precipitating God energy. Over time you begin to long for the Ascension Flame, which shall draw your soul back to the inner realms.  

Blessed chelas, the theme of this conference is manifestation. Take its essence deep into your minds and hearts. Fully understand that to manifest the Ascension within your sphere of influence, you must also learn how to experience life through your emotional and mental vehicles, as well as your physical vehicle. Close your eyes and feel the activity of the holy breath manifesting throughout your being and world. Additionally, ask to see with your mind's eye this wonderful activity actually taking place. Through this process you will experience life in many forms, opening horizons of magnificent beauty and perfection. By using this exercise you will become more adept at mastering your breathing; and through this activity you will draw forth ever increasing amounts of God qualified life energy.  

Beloved co-servers, this will also assist you to perceive even further, the world around you with new eyes―the eyes of your own indwelling Christ―to see beyond the illusion created by human consciousness. In this way you will be able to sustain and remain in this state of being, at one with the mighty Ascension Flame during the coming year and beyond. Then through these ascending energies of love, wisdom, and power sent forth into the world, others will be attracted to you even though they know not why. From this consciousness you will joyfully, with great care and understanding, show all your brothers and sisters the way through all illusion and chaos into the reality of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom.  

Then with the heart, head, and hands of the Christ you shall walk the Earth in this ascended state of being. This, dear ones, is how the ascension shall manifest on the earth plane. You are becoming greater and greater channels for God's Light to enter the Earth, further raising the vibratory frequency of this blessed planet. Love casts out all fear and no darkness can be found where there is light. Feel yourself enfolded now in my love and light and remember that my breath shall ever be a part of yours!

Your brother in the light,

Paul, the Maha Chohan


Holy Day 

Father's Day..................................................................... June 16


A Personal Expression of Gratitude and Consecration

Beloved Father of all Light and Mother of all Love, I bow before you in eternal gratitude for the blessing of my life in this physical world! Thank you for every vehicle of my expression, lovingly crafted by your hands, that constantly moves me forward on my spiritual path, bringing me ever closer to total at-one-ment with you!  

Thank you for my emotional body! I consecrate it now to you. Fill my emotional self with your essence, so that it may hence forth serve as a radiating center of your love and peace.  

Thank you for my mental body! I consecrate it now to you. As you attune my mental self to the vibration of the Divine Mind, I affirm that my every thought is now centered within the light of your wisdom and illumination.  

Thank you for my etheric body! I consecrate it now to you. Redeem my etheric records with your sacred fire. At your touch, I now know that the old has passed away, and all things I remember have become new.  

Thank you for my physical body! I consecrate it now to you. Through your eyes, I see the beauty and perfection of my physical vehicle lovingly created in your image and likeness.  

Thank you for my Holy Christ Self, that part of me who has served for so long as my own bridge to spiritual freedom. As I now consciously unite with my Inner Christ, my every thought, word, action and reaction has become clear reflections of your life, your light, your wisdom, and your love.  

Thank you for all that I AM and all that I shall ever be!

So be it, beloved I AM.





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