
Visualize yourself high up in the Rocky Mountains. There are tall trees and abundant wildlife everywhere. You see elk, deer, and buffalo feeding peacefully in the distance. You look upon these magnificent examples of God's handiwork and you experience a deep feeling of love and gratitude. Everything around you is enfolded in various shades of green but with a magnificent golden radiance. You realize that a dazzling golden light bathes you and all life around you, from above.

You look around and observe all the beautiful flowers, birds, and small animals living peacefully within this picturesque setting. This sight brings great joy to your heart and you quickly become one with your surroundings, feeling the freedom of the birds in flight; the exhilaration of the rabbits as they quickly run through the high mountain meadows; the power of the great bear as he silently walks his domain; and the peace and joy of the flowers as they absorb the full radiance of the sun. A great appreciation for all life fills your entire being and you realize that all life is one in the heart of God and as this quality of reverence wells up in your own heart, you are grateful to be in embodiment at this time in the Earth's evolution.

Now feeling very peaceful, you walk quietly toward a magnificent waterfall you see cascading down the high mountain peak before you. Its water too is a beautiful green with a golden radiance reflecting the light of the sun. As you sit and meditate upon this beautiful vision, the sound of the rushing water soothes your inner being. While in this state of quiet meditation, you hear a wonderful voice tell you to reach into the water and your hand immediately enfolds a multi-faceted object. As you pull your hand from the water you find a stone, a beautiful golden gem, and you know it has been designed especially for you.

Looking up, you find a great being of light standing before you. Immediately you know you are in the Presence of beloved Lord Lanto and you bow your head gently. He speaks softly, saying he is here to assist you in learning how to precipitate more of God's gifts and blessings into your world. He steps toward you, enfolding you within his magnificent aura and you feel the mighty Precipitation Flame filling your being and activating the power within the gemstone that was given to you from the sacred waters of this holy place.

He speaks again, telling you that your gem will remind you always of the oneness of life and that God is in all life. With his words, reverence for life fills your being and you know you will be able to draw forth all the good things that life has to offer, not only for yourself but for all your brothers and sisters in the family of man. Life is truly full of abundance and through the use of the Precipitation Flame all of life's goodness is waiting to be yours. He asks you to think of him whenever you look upon your stone and through his great flame you will receive all that you require to manifest 'our divine plan here in the world of form. You thank him for his words of wisdom. He then bows before your Presence, turns and silently disappears into the dense forest. You bid these high mountains and green forests goodbye and return your attention to your physical location. From this day forth, you will be filled with a greater appreciation for all life and gratitude for the gift of the mighty Precipitation Flame.







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