Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

February 1996


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: See rainbow rays of light, directed by the great Archangel of Restoration, going forth from the sacred focus of Shamballa, covering our dear planet Earth. As people everywhere now choose to open the chalices of their consciousness wide, the crystalline white light of clarity enters their minds and hearts. Thus their acceptance of the truth and reality of the divinity of all life is assured, quickly restoring perfection and manifesting the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom in this world.

Archangel of Restoration

November30, 1975

I AM the Archangel of Restoration, come from celestial heights to assist in the restoration of this dear planet Earth. Please consider me your friend and co-server in the light.  

Beloved ones, as I look upon the divine blueprint for this Earth, it seems that an almost overwhelming service must be accomplished, but I know with the dedicated chelas this service will be performed in the not too distant future. Think of the privilege my lovely ones, of service in this tremendous manner, especially in true love and deep humility as do I. 

The process of restoration must first take place on Long Island. You were told years ago about the purification and perfection of this holy isle, and that nobody could put foot upon it unless they had reached a certain vibratory action, lest their vehicles could not have stood the pressure. Does this not signify to you, each one, that you are going forward in the light and, as has been so oft repeated, 'keep on keeping on' in your service.  

You know that the spiritual hierarchy governs the entire planet from the etheric Shamballa over this island, and in order to send the radiation to all the Earth, to every nook and cranny, harmonious radiation and the feeling of divine love must be the order of the day. IT SHALL BE THE ORDER OF THE DAY! And upon whom do we rely, on you and every chela who has the privilege of joining their energies in the activities of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom.  

This is the heart center of spirituality for this planet and for everybody, every doctrine on this Earth receives the essence from this holy focus and each leader is responsible to the Almighty for the manner in which he or she places that truth before others.  

I think often of the mighty Silent Watcher of this planet Earth, Immaculata and all the Silent Watchers of the various locations: Aurora in New York City, Columbia in Washington, and particularly that magnificent being Clove, the Silent Watcher of Long Island and of the tenacity of spirit as she holds within her heart the divine plan for this island.  

Now engage a moment in visualization. See the mighty Immaculata with light streaming from her heart to every Silent Watcher of this planet; see each of them enfolding their specific location in the love of the Father. Do you not, each one of you, wish to assist your local Silent Watcher in this tremendous service?  

Some of you have wondered upon which ray I serve. I AM primarily a being of the Fourth Ray. Is that not logical? You need restoration, then resurrection, and then the ascension in the light. However, everyone, every activity of every ray is required in the process of restoration, so for the moment I serve on all rays. I have a mighty co-server in the great Serapis Bey―our divine architect.

Please see in the atmosphere above this sanctuary each of the archangels and beneath them their angelic legions. Visualize them in fan-shape above this sanctuary. Now see the light of each of their rays come into my heart. From my heart the seven rays go forward to each and everyone of you. In humility, accept this expansion of the seven rays now held within you by your Holy Christ Self, your individual Silent Watcher. Now see those rays go out to every part of life upon this planet―blessing it.  

Beloved Ĉolus is putting all the pressure of the love of the Father-Mother God into the restoration of this holy island, for you know that the cosmic temple of the Holy Spirit will manifest right here on this property. The restoration of the Earth has begun. I have spoken, and so shall it be!

The Archangel of





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