Spring Conference

Holy Ĉolus

April 17, 1995

Beloved chelas of divine love and light 

Life is a wonderful experience, and it is the happy and joyful feeling of living here and now that I wish to impart to you today! As you have overcome many of the challenges placed before you with a positive and creative frame of mind, a new step on your personal ladder of evolution has been built and you are drawing closer to God at this time, primarily through your thought and feeling natures.  

It is when your spirit becomes Holy Spirit that your joy in service will be fulfilled! To reach this goal, dear ones, your consciousness must first become one with Christ Consciousness, for as you know, the Holy Spirit comes after you have become the fullness of the Christ. To do this you have only to become still and open your mind and heart to the realization of this manifestation. God's perfection takes shape in many forms and through many avenues of service. This is because each one of you is unique in the way you express your gifts and blessings in the world of form. Beloved ones, Christ Consciousness is the state of perfection that every person ultimately seeks and one day fully attains.  

My disciples, when you―as a son or daughter of God―reclaim your eternal and divine heritage by becoming the Christ in action here on Earth, cosmic law balances your expression of being through the beautiful ritual of the descent of the Holy Spirit upon you; the return of spirit that was hidden by human consciousness at the time of Atlantis, when there was much miscreation of energy. The coming of the Holy Spirit signifies the re-emergence of the activity of perfect balance and full mastery, so that all the precious souls evolving upon the Earth may at last complete their search and find full freedom!  

During his ministry as Jesus, beloved Micah stated: "When two or more gather in my name, I will be among them." That statement can be understood in many ways. Considering the personal point of view, it brings light into each individual's life, where it is realized that the balance between mind and heart must occur before the Christ is able to manifest. At the group level, it sheds light on the importance of working together with others, not only as an activity unified in service, but also as proof of the existence of the Holy Spirit, for as many lifestreams begin to answer the call to return home, more will come as they witness and realize the harmony of expression that can be achieved by working together in this way. Ultimately, this peace and harmony will be carried into your personal life and work as well.  

The Divine Law of Individualization asserts that a person expresses a divine principle according to his or her own state of consciousness, so that it may be of practical use to life. Since the forward movement back into the heart of God is an ongoing process, many activities of light have come forth over the centuries, each one in answer to a call from humanity for more understanding, love, and power. Each activity chose to serve a specific level of consciousness, for their physical founders were able to individualize and hold one or more divine principles at a higher level of expression, thereby raising the awareness of the race consciousness according to the cosmic law that states: "What affects one, affects all!"  

The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity is one of these activities that has entered a new cycle of growth, following a period of rest and purification. As you know, this bridge of consciousness is composed of both the spirit of man and the spirit of God, because physical substance must be incorporated into the process of redemption in order to assure victorious accomplishment. This could not be otherwise, since humanity has to take responsibility for their use of energy and the Earth must take its rightful place in the planetary and cosmic scheme of God creation.  

For this reason I AM also a sponsor of this beloved activity of light, for The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is an activity of the Holy Spirit, working always from within the crystalline diamond heart of pure divine love. Due to this fact, it is destined to expand greatly in scope and radiation, for the Holy Spirit is all encompassing and available to everyone, working first and foremost through the spirit of man! However, it must remain pure if it is to survive, and survive it must! Every chela around the world and each one of you sitting here today has an important part to play in assisting in the fulfillment of this activity's divine plan, which, as you will come to see, complements your own individual divine plans perfectly.  

Every day as you individualize your God given energy, taking responsibility for your feelings, thoughts, memories, words and deeds and purifying what needs to be purified, you are further accepting yourself as the divine expression of your God Presence! As you do this, the Spirit of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom grows ever-stronger and more radiant, receiving additional light from your blessed beings; and with your help, this great Spirit shall remain sacred and holy, perfectly fulfilling its destiny.  

For a moment, think of me, if you will, for I bring to you the love of beloved Lady Vesta; the same love and divine intent that was brought to the physical founders of this activity at its inception. This radiation reaches the Earth through the Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit, anchoring itself within Shamballa, then touching every human heart, for as you well know there is focus of Shamballa in everyone.  

Beloved ones, perhaps you have realized that during every conference you receive at least one gift from God. During this conference in particular, you shall be offered the gift of increasing and expanding your consciousness through many creative endeavors, so that your individualization of God's energy grows ever greater, clearer, and more joyful! Since the blessings from heaven's realms are poured forth to everyone, all chelas and light workers around the planet will also tune into this radiation and receive the gift of creative consciousness.  

I invite you now to take part in a love-filled ritual, that of offering this gift to all humankind. Place your attention upon the planetary Body of Light and as you do, see within your mind's eye a magnificent star, representing the ascending energies of all light workers and the descending energies of the Great White Brotherhood. As you breathe in, think of how you have received the gift of creative consciousness and are developing it thus far. Now, as you breathe out, offer this same blessing to all your brothers and sisters in the family of man.  

Is it not wonderful to be the Holy Spirit in action? As you prepare to return to your homes and sanctuaries around this planet, know and accept that you hold high the banner of comfort, peace and freedom in your blessed hands of light! I love you, beloved ones and I most humbly bow before your spirit of love.  

Your co-server,

Ĉolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit





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