Lake Louise Conference

El Morya

September 24, 1995

Beloved co-servers,

May I be the first to officially welcome each and every one of you to one of the most magnificent foci of light upon this Earth. May you truly be blessed during your time here and receive that which you are seeking, at both inner and outer levels as well! Before I continue, please take a moment right now and look around this beautiful sanctuary. Acknowledge the presence of your brothers and sisters who are also here, many of whom have come a very long way to attend. As I look upon this group I see a very powerful and diverse group of unique individuals who, recognizing the strength in unity, have come to assist the Earth from this sacred and holy site. While you are here, remember to spend time with one another and, as you lovingly share your wisdom and ideas, you will make this Activity stronger.

As each person here knows, my beloved Shamballa has given much to the Earth in the past, but the time has now come when it must receive additional support from you, the chelas, to continue to be sustained and serve the Earth and all life upon it. I AM most grateful for your response to the recent letter sent out from headquarters, making the needs of this Activity perfectly clear to all of its members. I know that with the full support of each person the truth and reality of Shamballa shall truly manifest here on Earth.

It has been previously stated that you must come to think of Shamballa as a heart which constantly feeds and nourishes its body to remain healthy and full of life. It continuously does its work without complaint or any desire for recognition, and for the most part, it goes unnoticed until there is a problem and a need for additional assistance.

Beloved ones, the heart center of this planet cries out to you and all your brothers and sisters now! Shamballa has very little left in the way of physical substance to give. She needs your help and this help must come in many forms. Have any of you as yet realized that the energy of the recent dispensation given to The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom will come primarily through you and all students of light everywhere? For this reason you must unite your energies now and provide what is required for the heart center of this planet to continue to survive.

The key words here are unite and provide. All barriers previously built that separate must come down. You must each go within and realize the specific part that you will play in the continued evolution of this Activity, so that at every level of consciousness and being, this great focus of light may be infused and nourished with whatever is necessary. Only in this way can Shamballa continue to move forward, further fulfilling its divine plan.

Since the inception of this organization, it was hoped that this would be an activity of the many instead of the few, and it has taken until now to begin to realize this goal. The main reason it is now possible to do this is through the spiritual progress made thus far by each and every one of you. There was a time in the not so distant past when the idea that the channel of this activity would be anonymous would have been totally unacceptable. This was due to the fact that the majority of the membership was not yet ready to take responsibility for their own spiritual development and relied on one person to receive and share the words of the masters with them, unable to accept their own divinity. Thank God this is no longer the case and I bow before the light in each one of you, as this desire of the spiritual hierarchy is now being fulfilled.

Another point I wish to clarify is that there are some people who believe that there should be no cost involved in the various works of the spirit, be it concerning the written teachings to be distributed or to support various types of unified service such as classes, services and conferences. Beloved ones, while it is true that you cannot put a price on divine principles, organizations such as this, who provide this kind of information, function in the physical world and require financial support to continue their service.

The higher teachings are freely available to everyone who desires them, but to receive one must give something in return. Do you not see that there must be an exchange of some kind, be it energy or monetary value for this very important law of life to work? Also, to those of you who have come to the physical focus of Shamballa, walked the grounds, and participated in various classes, how often has it occurred to you that this magnificent property must be maintained? This, beloved ones, involves the exchange of money for goods and services. I know within your hearts you accept this truth for your life, never questioning this law in the outer world, but for some reason, many light workers are unable to equate this principle with anything having to do with the physical focus of Shamballa.

The money you pay for a book or even a subscription to The Bridge Journal, goes entirely to pay for its publication. Those of you who subscribe to The Shamballa Letter, your donation pay for its publication also. Within the last year The Bridge Journal in Spanish has been offered at my request and as of now, it does not support itself and the funds needed for its continued publication must come from another source within the Activity.

By the turn of this century Shamballa and The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom will also become a major force of love and light in the outer world, its teachings freely available to all your brothers and sisters in the human family. Just as your financial support is important to Shamballa, every ounce of energy you offer through the power of your decrees and visualizations is equally important. With the assistance of beloved Ĉolus, the Shamballa Letters have now begun to serve in this capacity, offering a unified program of invocations, decrees, and visualizations to help the physical focus of Shamballa prepare for the new millennium, and the results of this service are already manifesting. Beloved ones, much is being asked of you at this time in the Earth's evolution but, as this Activity grows, your task shall become easier.

My words this morning have been very strong and direct, but know I AM filled with love and gratitude as I look upon each and every one of you who loves Shamballa as much as I do and have chosen the Activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom as your path toward further enlightenment and the avenue through which you serve life. Together, we will make a difference!

El Morya





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